Backstab by Zak Mirzadeh (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Trick Zak Mirzadeh's Backstab is the most impossible "Stab To Your Card" trick ever! Your spectator selects a card and loses it in the pack. With nothing more than your trusty pocket knife (or your spectator's pocket knife) - you stab straight to their selection for a miraculous "Card At Number" effect! D
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Skymember Presents DECEPTION by Abdullah Mahmoud video DOWNLOAD Stabbed and Restored, also known as the TNR (Torn and Restored) card effect. This magic plot is no stranger to most magicians. There have so many amazing magicians over the past decades that invented fantastic methods and contributed to this magical plot, and Abdullah Mahmoud is one of them. From th
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Punctured by Richard Griffin - Trick EFFECT: A cardboard tube is shown and pushed over your arm. Seven spikes are then thrusted one by one through the tube and your arm. You can even wiggle your fingers to prove that it's really your hand poking out of the tube! You now pull the spikes out and remove your arm from the tube to show that
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