Hi Fellow magi and those of you that want a simple, easy effect.
Yes, you will have to practice
a few times, maybe ten.
Wow! Many comments on here are lambasting the lack of simple ness.
And if you read a bit you will find that some don't like the putting away of the pencil.
Then don't put it away... use it as a magic wand, turn it around in the offbeat and use the
erasure end to make the penny vanish. Then put the gimmick and penny and pencil away into the breast
pocket of your jacket.
By simply flipping the pencil over in your hand you can use the erasure
Say something like, "And now to make it vanish (Smile) I will erase it with magic.
Show that the penny has vanished, not the image...
This is great and if you give it it's
due... it will give you yours!
12 of 13 magicians found this helpful.
After watching the demo several times, I figured this was one of those TGTBT tricks. I was happily
proved wrong after discovering the secret. The strongest magic, in my opinion, are tricks done with
simple, non-assuming objects. Peter has laid this effect out so well that you cannot help but
appreciate his cleverness and creativity. Practice and give this beautiful piece the attention it
deserves. It's really not that hard to perform either... Thanks Peter and P.M. for this wonderful
12 of 16 magicians found this helpful.
This is a great effect with excellent video instruction. I'm only a novice and believe even a
beginner can pick this up with sufficient practice.
My only concern is that one of the gimmicks
won't usually match what it is swapped in for (and I know why). However, I don't believe most
spectators will notice. It's probably my own paradigm/over thinking.
I'll let you know if my
thoughts change after I begin performing it regularly.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
I have found away to make the vanish happen without that little move that is thought. I first draw
my portrait darker than the presentation. This way if you start from the bottom go up nice and slow
and back down the penny slowly there is no need for that fast lilttle move as tought.I always make
any magic trick my own by simply trying different ways than were thought. Carefull where you perform
this meaning don't do this on a wooden surface place a magazine down or use a magicians pad.
8 of 11 magicians found this helpful.
This is an amazing trick. Simple, requires no complicated moves or sleights. However, what is
required is perhaps 30 to 45 minutes of practice just to get your routine down. My technique, for
whatever it’s worth is to start out by using the eraser end of the pencil to point to the penny,
paper and glass of water. Then, as I explain, “to keep an eye on the penny,” and that I’m going to
trace the image of the coin onto the paper, I then turn the pencil end over end much like a baton so
that I am in position to perform the tracing. I have found, that by maneuvering the pencil end over
end in plain view does not draw suspicion because that’s what the audience expects when the magician
explains he’s going to trace the image of the coin onto the paper. Certainly, you’ll come up with
your own technique to fit your personal style. Bottom line: With a little effort, you will look good
and your audience will be left speechless and befuddled.
6 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
This trick is the Essence of GREAT magic. Simple, easy to follow and Fools the Sh#@t out of
everyone, laymen and magicians alike. Dai Vernon said "A good magic effect should easily be
described in one sentence.".....eg: "A penny is covered with a piece of paper the paper is
lifted....the penny is GONE!" What could be more simpler than that? Peter Boie Has created an effect
that is simple and will fool and enchant the most skeptical of spectators. Buy this trick! This man
needs to be supported in the midst of all the "Crap" being released. Did Vernon also said that
"Magicians stop thinking too soon." Peter has thoroughly thought this trick through. The method is
amazingly ingenuis!
6 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
I wish we got a video download. However, Peter does have a link for video instruction and
Without giving anything away, the risk factor is higher than I normally like
in my tricks. I'm a 50 year amateur. It's probably lower for those that use mechanics often. I
prefer low risk and self-working or gimmicked tricks. This one requires about two minor sleights or
handlings. The strength of the trick makes the practice time worth it. I won't perform until I've
mastered the routine. My audience is primarily friends, family, co-workers and at the bar.
I don't like to alter the tricks, but will attempt to do this trick with a pen instead of a
pencil and without a glass of water. We'll see how it works.
Not for the lazy sleight of
hand artist.
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
Very clever. Easy to carry and perform. Almost "automatic" although not necessarily a beginner's
trick. Highly recommended.
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
Great trick, easy to do and stuns people. I like the method. You can end up clean also with a little
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
it's an organic little piece of magic, minimum sleight of hand involved, direct to the point, very
visual. it suits perfect in close up situations, the video tutorial cover everything you need to
know. There is just a moment you need to focus but over ten performances it becomes easy. Practice,
that's the magic word.
3 of 5 magicians found this helpful.