I’m not going to give this 3 stars like I want to, because I don’t want to mess with the rating - I
respect and love Peter Turner too much to do that and I think it’s important to have him share his
brilliant work with us (Thank you Peter!) But unless you are an advanced mentalist with an
incredibly nimble mind and a LOT of time/opportunity to practice this on people, I don’t see how you
are going to get this to work for you.
Difficulty-wise, for me, this was like trying to
learn Mnemonica and a progressive anagram and multiple Equivoques all at once! Theoretically it can
be done (and IS3 is AMAZING in Peter’s hands), but like Atlas’ “Train Tracking”, I only know a few
people who actually can (and do) perform it in real life.
I belong to the Facebook group
for owners and a fair number of us struggle with getting this thing to work easily and reliably. IS3
will look like magic if you can master all the steps, and it’s a propless miracle that you can do
anywhere and will make you look psychic, but you better be ready to WORK for it!
context, I’ve learned Mnemonica and branching anagrams, and I haven’t (yet) been able to crack IS3.
It’s got lots of moving pieces, so be ready for a mentalism challenge! Again, it’s a miracle, but
one you’re gonna have to work for. Thank you Peter!
12 of 13 magicians found this helpful.
It’s hard to believe this is being released. With Marc Paul’s stage routine and this, I can’t
imagine you need anything else.
This will require a lot of practice and rehearsal. But, it is
so good and well thought out. You could with nothing other than your mind intelligently ascertain a
name they are thinking of, their star sign, or date of birth.
Incorporate this with other items
like a book test one ahead and a billet peak and you have reputation making material.
This is
not, I repeat, not easy. Anything this good will require substantial work on your part. But if you
are willing to put in the time, you will have something that will blow people’s mind.
Well done!
5 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
This has probably been one of the best downloads I have ever purchased. There is certain things you
must memorize and remember but it’s genius once you practice it a lot. It will require practice and
trying it out. Many great ideas and I have been trying it out with friends and will adapt it to
stage/parlor shows. Enjoy
4 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
I read the name-guessing portion thoroughly. I understood it. I thought through it.
performance out of the gate started well. I guessed the number of letters in the name. But the name
itself was out of left field. Enough so that I thought "How does this ever actually work?"
on the West Coast of America, so maybe there's another element to consider here?
However the
technique is presented as "it's always" this, or "always" that.
And I was willing to believe
that when reading, but now having performed it that certainty seems crazy to me.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
Peter Turner is a master of mentalism and while I have learned and loved a lot of his stuff over the
years, this is perhaps the best example of his brilliance. It does take practice and work to do
correctly, make no mistake. But once you get it down, you have a powerful piece of prop-less
mentalism that you can perform anytime and the methodology is such that it is practically impossible
for any layperson to figure out how you did it. For me, this was worth every Penny.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
This is great it is l00% propless and the only part that is not surefire is the name divination
which works 95% of the time. Also you can use the name divination as it’s own and the zodiac
divination. Another thing is people are saying that there is a lot of memory work but it isn’t
really that much.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
I got the book from MINDFX, and it's incredible. It's streamlined, fast and elegant. No astrological
numbers. Just reveal after reveal. Highly, highly recommended. A lot of the material taught on here
can be done as stand alone effects as well. (Propless Name/Star-Sign Divination)
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
I am one of those people who should NOT buy things like this. I find it hard to believe that only a
certain number of names could possibly be used, and some of them are Very English. To be fair, there
was a warning about getting this if you are at a certain level, and I, thinking I could absorb this,
didn't pay attention; so it's tens of dollars down the drain for me. Maybe I can get $5 for it at a
garage sale.
2 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
This is great it is l00% propless and the only part that is not surefire is the name divination
which works 95% of the time. Also you can use the name divination as it’s own and the zodiac
divination. Another thing is people are saying that there is a lot of memory work but it isn’t
really that much.
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I use the components of this routine as standalone pieces. The Name game is great by itself.
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.