You need to wear an old shirt when doing this trick because you will explode your spectators' brains
all over the place. This is a great transpo. I love the handling on this and the gimmicks are well
Any intermediate magician will likely recognize some of the handlng, but all in all,
this is a great trick. Great presentation and it really keeps the spectators going:
If you're a beginner, you'll enjoy the no-sleight version of this trick
(which in my opinion, looks better than the sleight versions).
There is some cleanup and,
as always, I recommend that you practice, practice, practice. But this is a great trick and I think
you'll enjoy it. The pricing is about right, though honestly, I think $14.95 would have been the
sweet spot for this.
No arts & crafts. Watch it, practice, and go!
(By the way, I
always try to be honest and straightforward in my reviews, while being respectful to the magician.
If you appreciate my reviews, can you please click the "Yes" button below beside the question, "Did
this review help you?" It's not like I actually benefit in any way by your clicking it... but it
would be nice to see if my reviews are helpful or not. I hope they are. If you ever have suggestions
or comments or questions about my reviews, please feel free to leave me a constructive comment. I'm
just trying to be helpful. I love the Penguin community and hope that I can someday contribute my
own product. :-) Thanks for reading and for any (hopefully positive, but either way, at least kind)
86 of 86 magicians found this helpful.
First of all, if you know your magic, this effect is probably exactly what you think it is. To put
it another way, this isn't a magician fooler.
That said, so what? I think there's too much
emphasis placed on being able to fool a magician these days. (Thanks, P&T!) For the most part, we
all perform for laymen, and this is a great effect for them; it appears something magical happens in
their own hands.
The gimmicks are very well made, standard bicycle look and feel. You'll
have to provide your own non-gimmicked cards (additional (standard) aces and jokers). You likely
have dozens of decks sitting around, so this shouldn't be a problem. And yet... as the video
started, I had to go foraging for a red-backed colored joker, and sheesh, I just couldn't find one
for the longest time.
The video is just over 32 minutes. Nick is a great teacher. He starts
with three handlings, (1) the basic effect, (2) an "advanced" one, and then (3) a very simple
handling. These three presentations are taught as a packet trick, For those interested, Nick then
goes on to show a handling using a full deck. Then, one step further, he teaches how to employ
signed cards in the routine, which seems very strong. (I haven't performed it that way yet.) The
signed card "ruins" one of your gimmicks, but as Nick explains, you can use that gimmick again and
again. (Instead, you are "ruining" a standard joker, and so you probably know where this is going.)
What's great about all this is that the trick is a bit more flexible than it might appear
at first. (The gimmicked cards are so great I can imagine other routines I can do with them, like a
variation of McDonald's Aces. Could that signed joker be part of an ambitious card routine that
concludes with this GOAT effect? You might find yourself thinking like this.)
I think this
effect offers something especially for the beginner or intermediate magician who wants to build
their skill set. Sleights? It's hard to call these sleights, really; misdirection is a better word.
The more advanced handling does ask a particular move that is taught very well here. And If you
don't already know what a break is, it's time to get on board with it! As I say, Nick is a great,
patient teacher.
Caveats? This shouldn't be a negative at all, but be aware this takes some
practice. Squaring the cards without flashing is something that will take a bit of work if you are
new to cards.
Also: The spectator ends clean, but you most certainly do not. My wife is
used to being my guinea pig audience, so she's more sophisticated than most. When I performed this
for her, almost the first thing she said is "Let me see YOUR cards." You'll have to watch out for
this. (Nick teaches a subtlety of pointing with your cards, which is great, but just be aware you
may get a spectator wanting to examine everything, and — no can do!)
My only other caveat
is that this seems pricy at $20. My all-time favorite, best packet effect is Max Maven's B'wave,
which you used to be able to pick up for less than $15. I see that the cost for B'wave nowadays is
$20, so maybe this is a standard price nowadays. Still, it feels like you could get more for your
money. At the least, how about including the standard (non-gimmicked) cards needed to round out the
effect? Perhaps this is just carping; YMMV.
If you like the effect, and feel like you need
to move on to another level, Nick will take good care of you. This just might be right for you.
25 of 25 magicians found this helpful.
This is a very nice transposition effect.
The video instructs are a little over 30 minutes and
Nick covers everything at a good pace with good camera angles.
Three different handlings
are covered as well as how to get in and out of it from a full deck and how to use the cards in a
signed card version.
A few things to be aware of, non of which I consider to be issues,
just posting for everyone’s awareness.
1. It’s not completely self working. You will have to do
a few moves. Nothing hard and one of the handlings doesn’t really require any real moves.
You will need to clean up afterwards unless you use the full deck or card box in the effect.
It will work well for lay people, but is not a magician filler (not that thta is important to me)
This effect has a lot of untapped potential, especially if you are looking for an
uncomplicated way to do a card transposition. T me though, it does seem like a short effect for the
price though. But keep in mind they are shipping you a physical product. If, after watching the
video, you see this is something you’d like in your move arsenal, I think you’ll be please with
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
Clean, high impact, EASY transpo that kicks like a G.O.A.T.!
Go for the 3rd no-sleight
handling explained and you're golden with an easy ride to stardom in your spectator's stunned eyes.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
I hate packet tricks, but I WILL carry this one. What a fun and amazing thing to be able to do on
the spur of the moment. I got two Jokers, You got four Aces --- BANG!! I got 4 aces and you got 2
jokers. That fast, that simple, that impossible!
Best part, I didn't need to know Mr.
Elmsley or his Ghost, I didn't need Mr. Biddle, no BANG rings, no threads, no mirrors, no fancy
stuff, and if you wear out a gimmick, you got a couple spares! Alex shows you (count-em) Three
separate presentations, some a bit fancier than others. So if you're doing walk-around you can do
it different ways for different folks.
Plays very big, all you need is for the back row to
be able to see the spectator's jaw drop to the floor.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
This is better than a 5 star trick. It is easy to do with multiple handlings. It is a real
fooler. It takes very little preparation or practice. It is suitable for both novice and
professional and is sure to blow you audience minds. This will be a go-to trick for years to come.
So simple and so cool.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
This flash transposition is highly visual and highly magical. The teach is pretty solid and covers
handlings from super simple to more sleight heavy techniques. There is even a way to do this with
signatures which is really powerful.
As time goes on I know there will be more handlings
which come to light as people play around with this and tweak or create a totally new handling. I
already have one in mind and I will working on that as soon as I am done typing this!
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
I just ordered this trick, I wish it were here ! However, after thirty years of performing I have
watched a ton of tutorials. I watched GOAT extensively and I love it. It utilizes a couple extremely
learnable and doable moves. I would give it a half an hour in front of a mirror and several goes
with your most trustworthy and honest spectator. In other words it's easy to learn, but you have to
make it smooth. The actual transposition looks incredible and from the video I watched the spec's
eyes. They were flabbergasted in a silent sort of way. (I loved the look on the little ladie's
face). This is sweet, takes up very little space and it's unique. The teaching on this video is
second to none, great camera angles, tons of little details and excellent guidance all the way
through. Another hit from Penguin Magic !!!
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
You have to buy an additional deck unless you just happen to have colored jokers in a spare deck.!!!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
So simple,so fun,and so easy the price is so good its one of my best tricks you need to buy this one
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.