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Dry Roasted by Gregory Wilson & David Gripenwaldt (Instant Download)

Transform coffee into beans in your empty hand! An unforgettable fooler from master of close-up magic. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Price: $9.95
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Have your friend grab a packet of sugar from the coffeehouse prep bar. Explain that you will show her how to enjoy coffee without a cup. You then pour the sugar and a tiny bit of coffee from the suction of a straw into your closed and empty fist. After a squeeze, you open your hand to reveal that the coffee and sugar have both vanished and in its place is a small fistful of coffee beans — without any help from Vernet!

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Dry roasted by greg wilson Does this involve the use of a thumb tip?...
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3.5 Stars For the Brews Brothers Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
Ok, so I'm going to review this from two different angles: as a spectator and as a magician. The reason is that I'm on the fence on this... but to be fair, I want to give you the full picture of what I think of this trick and why.

*** Hello there... I'm a spectator. ************************
Whoah!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! How did -? How did -?

*KABOOM!* (Brain splatters on the wall. No one wants coffee anymore.)

That's the reaction you'll get with this trick... SOMETIMES. It depends. Even Greg talks about a spectator who figured it out the day before filming the explanation. If you have exceptionally bright spectators, they might figure this one out. But there are some little actions that the guys suggest that mitigate that as convincers. I say personally that you DEFINITELY want to use those convincers.

I think that the reactions you'll see will be similar to the trailer. The younger crowd might be like the spectator who exploded his gray matter all over the barista behind the counter. But I think that the more mature crowd will be impressed, as in "Huh. That's cool!"

So do I recommend this trick? Would I as a spectator think this is the bomb and not a bomb? I think so. It's hard to know for sure because I am trying to think of this from a spectator's side, but I've already been tainted to a point as a magician. But yeah, I think this is a decent trick. I would definitely use this as a casual opener. Whether or not they know you're a magician, I think you should start this first... because it's cool or mind-blowing depending on your audience. But hopefully, you'll have a little something heavier to follow up with. If not, this is a great little surprise one-trick act. Consider it like a drive-by magicing. ;-)

So, judging the trick itself from a spectator's viewpoint, I think this would be a 4 out of 5. It's pretty good. This isn't Little Door (Roddy McGhie) visual, but it does seem like pretty solid magic to a spectator.

*** Hello there... I'm a magician. ************************
Ok, now as a magician, I think I need to be a little more critical. Yes, it's still a decent trick. However, when I saw the trick, this is definitely NOT a fooler for magicians. Of course, we are not trying to fool magicians, but spectators. But, let's just say that if you saw the trailer and and think you knew immediately how he did it like I did, you are probably right. Should you buy it if that's the case? Not really... but he does give some good tips on a switch you can use.

The explanation video - it was typical Greg Wilson... he (and David) taught the trick well. Greg is always easy to listen to. He has a great personality and sense of humor, so you won't fall asleep like some other magicians. The video is sufficient in length for the trick. I didn't feel like they were just trying to kill time. So props on that too. If you have no idea how this trick works, definitely get it.

Is it easy to perform? Yes.
Are there any difficult moves? No. There is only one move tops... and you can decide how you want to do it. Anyone should be able to do this trick. This is a good trick to focus your showman performance skills on.

Arts & Crafts? Kinda. Very minor. You don't need any special tools... You can do this at the prep bar of the coffeehouse you're in or ahead of time. Super easy... I'm hesitant to really call it arts & crafts. More like a little prep work. But super minor... not an issue at all. It should take you all of 30 seconds to prep this one.

Explainer Video - Good job, as I said, on teaching. This obviously was a casual video though... not scripted. Just two guys talking about this little trick and how they do it. If you're used to expecting heavy duty production value, you won't get it here. It does the job... to me, that's what matters.

Is it worth the price? No. It's a good trick. But it's a $4.95 trick in my opinion. Basically, if you are familiar with all the various tricks that are sold individually from the Coffee Conjuring series, this is just like one of those. (In fact, the very good trick Coffee Break by Greg is currently FREE. Check it out! If you like this kind of thing, I definitely recommend getting Coffee Conjuring.) Do I feel ripped off or cheated? No. It's still a good trick... I just think it's a little overpriced.

Is this a trick I'll perform? Yes... not all the time, but in the right setting (coffee shop, duh.) and with the right audience. This is a trick you can get called out on if you're with a jerk face monkey fart critic. But if you're with people who are chill and love to laugh and relax (you know... coffee house types), yes definitely, I'll perform this.

As a magician, I'd say this is a 3 out of 5 star trick. I like it and it's good... but it's not spectacular (it potentially could be if you are a master showman of course... but I think for the average magician, it's a fine trick). That's not bad. I only give 5 stars when it's crazy mind-melting visual or make you think that the magician is really from another dimension. 4 stars is pretty much a perfect score for any lesser trick. Thus, 3 stars is still a positive number in my book and more above average than it sounds. So please don't hate me, Greg and Dave. I'm still a big fan!

Overall, considering both sides of the magic review fence (spectator vs magician), I think I'll give this trick 3.5 stars overall. If you can't figure out how this works or if you're new to magic, get this (knowing it's a tad pricey). Advanced magicians will want to steer clear unless they just want to see Greg teach this (which I literally do feel that way in general) or pick up little performance points. Even though I knew right away how to do this, I still picked up little points to make this more convincing and mitigate any prying eyes.

By the way, I always try to be honest and straightforward in my reviews, while being respectful to the magician. If you appreciate my reviews, can you please click the "Yes" button below beside the question, "Did this review help you?" It's not like I actually benefit in any way by your clicking it... but it would be nice to see if my reviews are helpful or not. I hope they are. If you ever have suggestions or comments or questions about my reviews, please feel free to leave me a constructive comment. I'm just trying to be helpful. I love the Penguin community and hope that I can someday contribute my own product. :-) Thanks for reading and for any (hopefully positive, but either way, at least kind) feedback.
17 of 17 magicians found this helpful.
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Way ahead Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
I pride myself on second guessing, Greg had me here 😁🤣😂🤣
Great routine, I initially thought a little something was used, pleasantly surprised that I was wrong 👍
Worth knowing for diner room fun
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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I hate Gregory Wilson in the best possible way Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
Greg always has the best psychology and nuances to his effects that make them that teir above the rest, and this effect is no different. Amazing.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Greg’s brilliance shines again! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 23rd, 2019
Damn this guy is clever. And so is this trick. It is easy to perform, appears to be completely organic, and has a really nice ending where you can give out treats. This is not impromptu but it is quite easy to do.

The whole thing seems surreal and magical in its strange alchemy, then ta-daaa we are eating a treat made by magic! It will stick in people’s memory for a long time!

You will also learn a technique you may encorporate into other ideas of yours.

You could do this at a bar with a mojito and end up with a few small mints like tic tacs.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Epic Coffee Adventure! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 19th, 2019
Turn your wet sugary coffee to dry roasted beans in your hand!

Walk into your favorite coffee house with no preparation. Make a quick setup at the prep stand. Then, amaze your spectator with an awesome effect.

The extra time discussing details sets this download a part from most downloads.

Highly recommended!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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I love Greg's teaching style Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 18th, 2019
Yes I love Greg's teaching style, he is cool and funny, he always cheers me up. Oh yes the trick is darn good too. With very little effort you could make it work in any coffee shop. Even McCafe.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Fantastic Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 18th, 2019
Now what you initially think and you will use this all the time. If you had to work in a nudist colony you could do this with a 3 second prep. I LOVE magic this strong and tight and easy to do. Yet baffling. Nothing to ditch or hide before or during or after! 10/10! Buy it! BTW - If you're advanced and have figured it out, it is STILL worth buying because the nuances taught are fantastic. Motivation and red herrings added that you do not see in the trailer. A real worker!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Greg is a genius Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
Gregory Wilson is not only an amazing performer, an incredible inventor, a spellbinding lecturer, but he is a super-nice guy, I have never approached him with a question, comment, or idea that he didn't give me his full attention and thought carefully about what I was asking/suggesting.
With all of that in mind, I always look carefully at anything that he puts out or is a part of. This is a great trick, but it is a "context trick." This is not something that you want to do walk-around (unless you're working for a coffee house). It is a trick that seems to come out of nowhere, looks like you just thought to it, and just fries those who are involved. If it seems like a prepared trick, you have lost the biggest edge to the piece.
If you and friends are out for coffee (or a client) and you ask them to go get a packet of sugar, this is a miracle. It's not for everyone, because everyone doesn't understand the great value of situational magic that seems "impromptu." If you get it, then get this trick. It will repay you many, many returns.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Little prep with huge impact … Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
Once you learn how it's done, you will wonder why you didn’t think of it first … how many times have you every said that? With very little preparation, you are armed with a really great effect that you will be doing every time you are in a coffee shop, or in a bar, or on a patio, or at a home party, or anywhere you want to do this. You are left clean leaving your spectators amazed, astonished and filled with wonder … isn’t that great? You can dress up the patter and presentation any way you want to fit your performance style and personality. Greg and David pass on some really great little tips to really help put this effect over and make it really seem that the whole thing is impromptu. As Michael Amar says "the impact of an effect is in direct proportion to how spontaneous it appears to be” and that is what Dry Roasted is all about. Gregory and David may ramble on a little in this 25 minute tutorial but all is good, there are some extra little gems in there.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Nice impromptu quickie Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 17th, 2019
If you're looking for something you can do with minimal prep at a Starbucks or other coffee shop this is a great choice. You can do your prep at the condiment stand and be ready to go. Once the prep is done you are so far ahead the performance is a piece of cake.

While not the most amazing trick you can do, this gets good results given the circumstances of the effect.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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