This is a fun little deck that doesn't get the credit it deserves. The displays are clean and dead
easy so you can really focus on the presentation and milk the effect. Another huge perk is that it
doesn't need "upkeep" like some other decks after a while.
The instructions felt a little
lacking - I thought there could've been more thought put into alternative presentations/handlings -
but the provided routine works really well and gives you a lot to play off of.
For people
who wanna throw something easy in their bag to pull out at the pub or something it's a no-brainer. I
put mine in one of Stockman's socks (you win, Acar!) and say it's a fancy deck from Japan with cute
8 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
My wife surprised me with this for Christmas and I love it! I've always wanted a color changing deck
and was concerned with the sleights, how convincing would it be, ect. Even if you're a beginner, you
can do this trick. Put the practice and passion into this, and you have a miracle that'll even fool
yourself when you begin practicing.
8 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
Like many of you I have drawers full of decks, gimmicks, gaffs, unicorn dust,and lists of magical
words. This however has gone straight into my routine. This is the rope-a-dope of card tricks. With
a wonderful built in reset trick if your doing walk around. Beginners this is a wonderful deck to
show off some easy card handling that you've worked on, weekend warriors this is a great trick to
prove to your friends you can do more then just keg stands and choose a card any card, pros this
will be an easy opener, close up, restaurant routine. I cant say enough. ♤Mundus vult decipi, ergo
decipiatur. Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur♧
8 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
Some context for my review:
I do magic in parties with friends and family, sometimes at bars
when I am out.
This is a really strong effect. It can also be performed in the hands
The reset is about 10 to 20 seconds, it can be done in front of the audience
with presentation excuse. I was thinking to add the stripper concept to this so that I can have an
instant reset, but I don't think I want to do this trick twice in a row. But I see the benefit of
instant reset for magicians that walk from table to table.
The deck is not examinable so if
you use it as a closer (as the author) you can just ditch the deck. However I liked this effect as
an opener. There are ways to use it as an opener (deck switch, using only the non gimmicked part of
the deck) just be aware of your surrounding and be creative.
Overall would 100% recommend.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
I love the audience's reaction when I perform this. Works great with a hidden deck switch. Mechanics
are smooth and easy to use. Practice until you can comfortably spread a few cards and not get into
the gaffed ones.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
I'm a complete newbie to magic having only been practicing a little each day for around a month. I
bought this having seen some reviews and the trailer video.
I've just performed this for
the very first time, and decided my test audience should be my teenage daughter. She thought I'd
messed up when I went past her card during the Klondike shuffle part of the trick, but when I got to
the finalé her reaction was "What the f**k?" which to me is good enough praise. If a clumsy amateur
like me can pull this trick off after only a little practice anyone can.
If you're on the
fence about this just go for it, it is well worth the money.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
Paul's Spectrum is to say the least one of the most colorful pieces of card magic I've ever seen.
It's simple and easy to do. Simply put, it's just pure fun to perform.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
My Favorite color changing deck and routine to date. Thanks!
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
Spectrum by R. Paul Wilson is an amazing effect that completely fooled me. The method is so simple
yet packs a punch. I'm absolutely going to add this to my routine. 5 Stars all day long.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
Spectrum by R. Paul Wilson is an amazing effect that completely fooled me. The method is so simple
yet packs a punch. I'm absolutely going to add this to my routine. 5 Stars all day long.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.