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AOK 2 by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download)

A polished masterpiece of mind-reading, refined over thousands of live performances. Read multiple minds using no gimmicks and no setup. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Price: $19.95
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"AOK2 is a wonderful close-up Q&A act you can do with just a few blank business cards. This refinement of his popular and best-selling routine is worth every penny. Both the handling and presentational aspects are exhausting covered by Lewis as well as every variation possible. Nothing is lacking here. Get this download, study and practice it and you will have a top-notch routine you will use for the rest of your career." - Richard Osterlind

"It is sooo brilliant and subtle. I hope to put it in my close up work very soon but you can even use it on stage, get this for a gift for yourself that will keep giving. Happy 2020. This is an effect for the future of Mentalism. 5 stars" - Marc Salem

"Strong, powerful and emotionally intense. This is a compelling close-up routine that has the feel of a full blown Q & A. A straight forward and direct method allows you to concentrate on a presentation that your audience will connect with and be emotionally affected by. This is an impressive and potent routine!" - Marc Paul

Art Of Knowing (AOK) is considered by professional magicians worldwide as one of their strongest close up mentalism routines.

Five years on from the original release, Lé Val has reinvented his staple mind reading piece and made it even stronger still.

Across two hours, you will be taught:

- FOUR modular methods, suiting all skill levels, to achieve the seemingly impossible task of reading multiple minds in a close up environment.
- The Art Of Knowing 2 Routine.
- How to reveal things that have never been written down.
- How to answer questions in an intriguing manner during Q&A routines.
- How to evade questions you don't want to answer.
- How to get the audience on your side.
- An incredible amount of tips, tricks and subtleties.
...And much more!

This is a full MASTERCLASS on close up mind reading from one of the most talented mentalists in the UK and star of Discovery Channel's "Mind Control Freaks."

This IMPROMPTU close up act goes a little something like this...

1. Cards and a pen are handed out to ANY NUMBER of spectators.
2. They write a question they might ask a psychic, an interesting fact about themselves, or simply draw a picture.
3. One spectator mixes the cards.
4. The cards are laid out on the table and just by holding your hand over the cards, one by one; you can reveal who they belong to, and whatever thought they have written.

Lé Val presents this as a beautiful demonstration of psychometry, but this would work equally as well as psychological mind trickery, or in any other mind reading theme you can think of!

With just some business cards or blank pieces of paper and a pen, with no markings, no set up, no clean up and no difficult moves; you will be able to blow the minds of the people you meet any place, anywhere and at any time.

This is something special, ladies and gentlemen, and it will be a secret you can carry with you for the rest of your career.

Buy Art Of Knowing 2 by Lewis Lé Val, only at

Download Contents:

i: Mechanics (HD Video) - 1hr15mins
Full Performance + Four Handlings + Additional material.

ii: Theory & Presentation (HD Video) - 1hr03mins
Performance montage + Routines + Additional material.

iii: Complimentary 20 page PDF eBook Graphology system + Readings advice + Additional material.

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AOK Revisited Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 19th, 2020

Apparently there are many out there that are afraid of one single sleight in this that makes it tick. I had no trouble with this at all. Believe me, if you just learn the thing half-way, it will be enough. It is completely invisible.

My problem with the original version came later when you had to do something else. Not a sleight really, just a weird action that drew attention every time I performed it. Most of the time it didn't diminish the effect, but it bugged me that they looked when I did it, even with proper misdirection. The girls even looked at Lewis in the "live performance" segment of the original.

I'm happy to say that AOK 2 addressed this issue indirectly while trying to give a solution to that first problem. Now I can perform it without the weird moment.

This is such a perfect mind reading concept that allows a full peek at all the information, several if need be. Lewis completely breaks down every aspect of performing AOK with information that will help you become a better mind reader no matter what you perform. It's like a long one-on-one with Lewis in a private room with tons of useful information.

I loved the original AOK and love it even more now. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is that the problem I had with performance has never been addressed directly in any of the downloads, just skimmed over as if it is nothing. It's not. If completely noticed, it screams trickery in an otherwise perfect piece of mind reading. However, this AOK 2 was sufficient enough to give me another method.
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Great professional routine Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 3rd, 2020
This could easily be used to guess three bits of impossible information as mind reading act. I think if you do it that way your losing out on the massive potential to engage in emotional connection with your spectators. Lewis is great reader which makes this effect stand out. I am reader and when I done this routine I have had people cry happy tears as connect to memories being unfolded in front of their eyes. Wonderful routine
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Wow... lost for words Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 6th, 2020
I struggle with Mentalism such as book tests or methods that involve m****** billets because my eyes are horrible, but this download... I am only 40 minutes into this and I am almost tearing up because how beautifully well thought out this is... I can finally do Mentalism now because of you Lewis.... you literally gave me a gift with this routine, wow... literally thank you so much... you literally don’t know how happy I am right now. If you do somehow see this... thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. Fan for life, especially now during the pandemic, this download was the only positive thing in my life in weeks. I cannot wait to use this.
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Surprised how good this is Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 23rd, 2020
I’ve been performing the original AOK for five years and thought the AOK 2 would enhance the value of this effect for my audiences. I was right, but this is so much more.

This is no longer just a mind reading effect, it is an emotional experience for each and every participant and spectator.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Truly a Master Class in Close-Up Mind Reading Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 1st, 2020
This is an exceptionally high quality release that includes both a full performance and multi-camera, in-depth explanations of the complete routine along with detailed instructions on the method.

As magicians and mind readers we worry about our 'moves' and if spectator's will catch them. While I watched Lewis' performance, I didn't see the moves as they were completely invisible. So I went back and watched the performance a second time, and again saw nothing. While watching the explanations, the moves are so clean and hidden. You do have to practice of course, but the amount of time required to master the moves is minimal, perhaps an hour or so.

I bought AOK when it first came out and loved it. AOK2 provides a brief re-cap of the original AOK routine, then goes beyond with much more, including new insights on the original handling.

Once you learn and master the core handling, there is so much you can do with this approach. Drawing duplications, psychomtery, name, place or PIN reveals, close-up Q&A...and on and on.

So many new releases disappoint. AOK2 over-delivers. Master what's taught in this download and perform highly entertaining and deceptive mind reading anywhere, anytime with a about 12 blank business cards and a pen.

Highly recommended.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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This is AOK in my book! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 6th, 2020
Spectator response is fantastic. It requires very little practice. Le Val's teaching is superb.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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AOK2 Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 30th, 2021
In my opinion this is a superb piece of work.
If you were so inclined you can emulate the work of some of the great billet workers of the past such as Bert Reese or Charles H Foster.
The method is superb and the handling is a bteeze for any experienced mentalist.

The effect can be taken in any number of directions...the only limit is your own crrativity.
On another note I found Lewis Le Val' manner and presentation to be intriguing and very much in tune with the effect he was establishing.

I am now intrigued to look at the earlier versions of this particular item.

I do not know Lewis LeVal personally...but I would love to shake his hand.
I only hope that magicians leave it alone and leave it to the mentalists who have a slant towards the work of the mentalists of old.

In my opinion it is absolutely first rate
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Basically Perfect Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 11th, 2020
Note: I didn’t ever purchase the original, so I can’t speak to the amount of value added by the second round release, but I’m happy I held out for this version because I truly cannot imagine this effect being further improved. I can’t find a single fault to convey. It is, in a word, perfect.

This routine is up there with the Name and Place routine by Bob Cassidy and Sneak Thief by Larry Becker as the most wonderfully motivated technical method that is perfectly ingrained in the plot and structure of the effect. Most of the routines I’ve seen that use this principal have some kind of drawback - either that the spectators have to expose their choices prematurely or that the cleanup and matching of thoughts to guesses doesn’t happen until the very end. AOK solves for those imperfections. The method utilized does not feel like a routine that utilizes this method. It’s really, really lovely and effortlessly congruent. This was the most delighted I’ve been by a mentalism routine in quite a while. The presentational touches were delivered earnestly, and the performances exuded heartfelt sincerity. I’m very impressed by this young man and look forward to following his career.
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Muy ingenioso el metodo Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 4th, 2020
El juego está muy bien estructurado, aunque el sistema es antiguo el método es extraordinariamente bueno, la presentación es de diez, aunque hay que practicar la técnica, esta está muy bien cubierta, se puede hacer sin problemas, y si no, propone otra forma de realizarlo igual de válida, estoy contento de tenerlo y deseando ponerlo en práctica.
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Excellent routine and tips Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 3rd, 2020
Lewis Le Val has given us another excellent routine, with some well-thought improvements compared with the original AOK.
Several handlings are provided, many of them NOT using the dreaded second-deal that can scare some performers.
In addition to very clear explanations of the various handlings, several interesting presentational tips are described quite in depth. Useful information for those interested in performing Q&A in a close-up situation, in particular.
The information on elementary graphology is a little light in my opinion, but it allows for a quick start in the field, in a rather original and playful manner.
All in all, an excellent work from all points of view, and very well filmed too. More than two hours of useful information, providing with a great mentalism effect.
Highly recommended.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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