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Lewis LeVal LIVE (Instant Download) Clever routines and insight into making your mentalism more engaging. SUPPORT LIVE MAGIC. DOWNLOAD THE FULL LECTURE TODAY.
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Black Flag by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) The closest thing to a REAL playing card divination. They secretly choose a card from a shuffled deck that's HIDDEN FROM VIEW. Everything can be borrowed.
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Cassandra's Dream by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) An intimate and unforgettable dream-reading experience that feels absolutely real. A complete routine that works for closeup AND STAGE. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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AOK by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) Read everyone's mind. Every time. Everywhere. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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I Create As I Speak 2: Hypnosis by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) Learn how to hypnotise anyone, anywhere, at anytime! These are the hypnosis techniques of Lewis Le Val, star of Discovery Channel's The Mind Control Freaks.
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Charmed By Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) The freshest mind-reading routine we've seen in ages. Not one but TWO powerful techniques that will charm any crowd. INTRO PRICE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Carny Cartomancy by Lewis LeVal (Instant Download) Become an INSTANT EXPERT at reading playing cards! The Carny Cartomancy system can be performed with ZERO MEMORISATION, yet you will be able to instantly provide a detailed interpretation for every ca
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Zoltar by Shaun Dunn presented by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) A bullet-proof, fool-proof, self-working, impromptu TWO PHASE divination + mind-reading miracle you will SWEAR BY. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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Surrounded by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) Strong mentalism you can be performing TONIGHT. The clever method makes it SO EASY. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
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AOK Toolbox by Lewis Le Val (Instant Download) The HIGHLY ANTICIPATED follow up to best selling routine, ART OF KNOWING.
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