"A very clever piece that I’m excited to perform" - David Blaine
"It’s an actual masterpiece. The more time I spend with it, the more I realize what a big step forward this is. Way to go. A brilliant, magnificent piece from a brilliant magician & magic creator - what a mic drop of an entrance into the world of magic creators. This is one of those rare pieces where the method is as amazing as the effect. And the effect is perfect. What an absolute treasure. I’ve been involved in magic for most of my life and I can’t remember being this excited about a trick for a long, long time. Thank you Michael for making this." - Nate Staniforth
"An incredible coin in bottle. This piece has a lot of value in it. Getting the coin in the bottle with your method is genius, but the other part that is genius is your melting through handling. We are just as excited about it. You’ve replaced the folding coin. This is so good that Michael should have kept this one for himself; I’m glad he didn’t." - Doug McKenzie
"I'm fooled. I think it's extraordinary. Really, really special and I think the marketplace will LOVE this. For now, I’ll bask in the glory of just being amazed." - Joshua Jay
"A very clever concept and a real fooler in the right circumstances." - Banachek
"Mind blowing! The greatest magic trick I think I’ve ever seen." - Bobby Motta
"Coin in Bottle is one of the best effects in magic, and Pretty Penny is a method destined to become a classic." - David Regal
"It’s been fun to watch the evolution of CIB effects. Michael has taken it to an extraordinary place. This may be the most simple and practical yet visual CIB to date. Killer! Kudos Mike!" - Eric Ross
“Michael this is brilliant! This is real magic, finally a method that checks all the boxes and leaves your audience with an impossible souvenir, amazing discovery!” - Bro Gilbert
"I’ve seen Michael trying to come up with his own contribution to the coin-in-bottle plot he loves for YEARS. Not an easy task with all the versions already out there. When he sent me a video of a coin SLOWLY penetrating a glass bottle, I went “OMG, he finally did it”. Pretty Penny Principle is more than pretty, it’s gorgeous!" - Johannes the Dreamer, the creator of Breakthrough
"Not just an impossibly visual coin in bottle without gimmicks, but multiple methods and presentations to fit any performance style! The time, thought, experience and creativity that Michael John has put into this is abundantly evident. If you have the slightest interest in the coin and bottle effect, Pretty Penny is required learning." - Karl Hein
"Michael John is a good friend. As you know, I have my own version of a coin in bottle that I have been using for over 50 years. This is totally different and quite extraordinary! Actually, Michael gives you a variety of effects starting with a borrowed penny (marked!) that penetrates into a glass beer bottle! It’s a real unprepared bottle and a real, unprepared penny! This is so cool! He also teaches how you can give away the bottle with the coin still in it as a souvenir! What a great effect! The person can take it home and show it off for years. What a great way to advertise yourself! Plus there is more such as having the coin visibly penetrate into the bottom of the bottle while you hold the top with just one hand! And he also showed me how he pulls out a coin that’s already in the bottle right through the side! I am excited because this is all based on a new principle I have never seen before. When you see it, you will agree and wish you had thought of it first! In truth, Michael presents his idea so as to leave open many new effects that go beyond what he teaches. He WANTS you to experiment and come up with you own ideas for different coins and bottles! Even though I will continue to use my version in my own shows, I will also be using Michael’s version for certain other special situations. And that’s what this is – SPECIAL!" - Richard Osterlind
"Aside from the lovely visual penetration, MJ has taken the impossible object/give-away concept and made it the most practical, efficient and cost free version imaginable. You can give these bottles away and it’ll cost you pennies .. literally. Easy to prep and easy to do, this is worker material, just terrific!" - Steve Valentine
"..you brought the coin in bottle back into the mainstream in very cool and evolved way!:)" - Calen Morelli
"I've always loved the coin thru bottle plot and many have intrigued me over the years, but this approach has to be my favorite in terms of method AND visual. I'm not sure if this one can be topped to be honest. Great discoveries!" - Cash Magick
"My high net-worth audiences have huge bank balances. Who would have thought I could excite them using just a penny! The upward penetration is extremely visual, and will baffle them all. Hats off to Michael John, both for his inspired thinking and for his clarity in teaching every detail and nuance." - Steve Cohen
"I am not a big fan on the many marketed CIB’s, but I am a fan of Pretty Penny’s Optical Rise…this could have easily been named Perfect Penny. It looks soooo good." - Nick V. creator of Factory Sealed
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