I want to start this off by saying that I am late to the Magic with gum craze.
I steered clear
because it seemed like I was seeing Gum Magic constantly on Social Media and on here.
That being
I missed out it would seem.
I received this in the mail, broke it out, and almost
immediately put it to work.
I took it out the night I got it and got HUGE reactions.
Do I
advise this?
I'm an experienced Magician.
I am pretty good at Audience Management
and Presentations.
This piece is Angle Sensitive to an extent.
The tutorial does a very good
job of explaining that, however, it is one that a Magician should take some time to familiarize
themselves with if they are not confident in their ability to control a Performance.
A Beginner
or someone inexperienced with different working conditions will need to Practice this a fair bit to
avoid Flashing.
Does that mean you should not get it?
This is actually a very good
piece to allow one to work on those very things.
It is fairly simple to execute the actual
Magic itself, so the focus can be on things like Angles and Presentation.
I highly encourage the
purchase, and use, of Gumbo.
The only reason I gave it 4 stars is that I had to do a little
maintenance on it after the first night of use.
Nothing serious though.
It is very well
Again, I want to stress how strong this piece hits.
I Perform in Bars at tables.
It absolutely floors people.
Additionally, it does look great on camera.
I filmed a
brief Presentation of Gumbo when I received it (not for the public, just for my archive) and it
really does look as good as it does in the trailers if you are comfortable with the handling.
28 of 28 magicians found this helpful.
This is a solid piece of visual magic at your fingertips and very easy to learn with just a few
minutes of practice. It's great for social media but if you plan on doing this live you'd need some
degree of audience management because it is a bit angle sensitive. Hope this helps!
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
Love it; but, needs a plot ...
Here's one - My “Chewing Evolution”
Before continuing,
let me take a break and share my chewing evolution with you.
Like most everyone, I started with
“Juicy Fruit”. It was sweet, fresh and juicy. Down the road, I decided to up my game with “Big Red”.
It was bold and cinnamony. But I got seduced by “double your pleasure”, and switched to
Then, I flirted with “Winterfresh.”
As I got older, though, I began worrying
about cavities, so “Trident” took its place; but, it didn’t do it for me, so I decided to revolve
around “Orbit”.
Now, I’m left chewing this. [a toothpick]
3 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
The angles on this are almost impossible to manage for more than one person at a time when doing it
live. You can't do this up close to any group of people of varying heights, or they'll see the edges
of the gimmick. If you're doing this strictly for social media, you'll be fine.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I go out for lunch, sit at the bar and do magic for the staff. The angle at the bar is not good.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
This trick isn’t practical. Angles are terrible…even on social media. If you do this in public and
don’t get caught, people are simply being nice.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
This is actually the same concept as a Trick that came out not long ago...let's just say that Trick
changed from Gum to a roll of mints. That being said Nicholas Lawrence could have easily charged
twenty five bucks for this and it would have sold still. Very easy to do. If you can't handle it
like they teach then just make up your way of handling the gimmic. Well tought Instructions not that
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
Probably just the make on the gimmick i recieved. When you do the second to last reveal and produce
the trident pack there is a line visible where it folds. Can easily see it when performed on camera
Trick is still fun to perform. Maybe in a darker setting it would work better.
Gumbo - this is such a fun, visual effect. I've never seen it performed live and it's a bit angle
sensitive so for me, it's great for social media, TV or anything along those lines. The instructions
were clear, well taught and gives you a great way to turn it into ANOTHER pack of gum (as seen in
the trailer).