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SYZYGY 1-6 Hardbound by Lee Earle - Book

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There are very few publications that can legitimately claim they have altered the way Mentalism is presented; SYZYGY is one of them. Editor Lee Earle accepted contributions to the newsletter on matchbooks, cocktail napkins, telephone calls, and scribbled legal paper and then rewrote them all, supplying his wordsmithing expertise and professional entertainer's perspective that Mentalism is about the audience and not the performer.

Five hundred twenty eight 81/2 x 11 inch pages offer over 270 full routines, hundreds of photos and illustrations, interviews, and professional advice from the top professional and amateur performers around the world. The presentations within run the full gamut from mental magic to solid and incredibly impactive Mentalism. Indeed, these exclusive pages contain a celestial lineup of personalities and material. A SYZYGY.

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Syzygy 1-6 Hardbound by Lee Earle - Book Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 16th, 2021
Hi all you lovers of mentalism,

I recently received the book,'Syzygy 1-6 HARDBOUND'' BY LEE Earle.

This is a massive book on just mentalism NO coin tricks No card tricks No nonsense (to use a better word) and only published three years ago.

It contains 528 big pages with big print with some 240 contributors such as Lee Earle (himself) Larry Becker,Max Maven,Richard Mark,Marc Salem,Patrik Kuffs all brilliant professional mentalists to name just a few.

To Mr.Earle and all contributors a HUGE thank you for sharing a fraction of your fabulous talent with us.

DEFINITELY a classic in mentalism and if you are serious about mentalism you MUST buy this book; as far as I am concerned it's up there with,''Bairn'' by Ken Dyne and '' Prism'' by Max Maven all contain unbelievable mentalism material.

I am positive I am going to learn a lot more on mentalism from this book.

THANK YOU ACAR for putting it on the market.



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