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THE GIG by Nathan Kranzo (Instant Download)

How to land your first restaurant gig.
Price: $29.99
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-What is the GIG?
It is the ebook where I teach you how to land your restaurant gig.

Ever wanted to make a living as a restaurant magician but didn’t know where to start??? Here is your start….

"I downloaded the restaurant gig's book last night and enjoyed it very much.
The magic effects you included were especially delicious.
I'm collecting all the information I can on the subject, and your booklet was well worth the price."
- Dan Garrett

“These are not notes at all, rather a battle plan. A plan that offers a tactical and professional approach to getting regular work as a professional conjurer in the food and beverage industry. I was privy to this plan long before Kranzo ever released them and they more than doubled my income. If you are tired of the mirror and want to perform for real people…this could be the best purchase you ever make”

- Robert Moreland

“Practical advice for the aspiring restaurant magician.”

- John Luka

"I found the information quite valuable and helpful. As a newcomer to magic and also to restaurant work, the information in "The Gig" actually helped to get me into a rather nice resort just in time for the holidays. As with most stuff, I'm sure its not for everyone but I found the information very helpful. There are a couple of differnt effects described in the book which are pretty basic handlings but could prove to be very impressive to the layperson you are performing for. All in all a good read and something that could be quite beneficial for someone thinking about getting into restaurant work. "

- Al Corm

In this booklet I teach you the secrets that kept me busy 5 nights a week performing in restaurants for nearly ten years. For years I kept up a schedule of several restaurants a week until I decided to quit them all.

Not because they let me go…..but because I didn’t have time, and couldn’t afford it.

I was too busy making more money at private parties and corporate events.

This all came about because I spent so much time performing at the restaurants constantly being in the public eye and passing out thousands of cards.

Keep in mind I NEVER worked for tips. I was paid a high fee for my services.

Landing a restaurant is not impossible. In fact, I’ll make it easy for you. No reason to be intimidated by the idea any longer.

I will break it down and show you how I did it and you will be amazed at the information I share.
Not only will you learn tested and PROVEN techniques to book a restaurant but I will also share with you the techniques I use to get local radio stations to invite me on the air to perform and promote myself!!!

You will learn dozens of trade secrets like…

- How to set up a meeting with the owner or General Manager of the restaurant.

- How to establish yourself as a sought after magician and entertainer.

- How to create an offer that the restaurant can’t refuse!!

- How to ease any fear of the unknown the owner or management might have.

- How to get the staff on your side and learn to love you.

- How to create promo materials.

- How to get on the radio and perform radio magic.

- A KILLER Mentalism Effect to perform on the air to publicize your gig!

...all this and so much more!

The bulk of this booklet is information on how to get a restaurant gig. BUT I will also share with you a few of my pet routines that I used thousands of times to blow away restaurant audiences and keep them coming back for more.

You will learn two of my favorite opening effects that I have used for years to instantly gain people’s attention. You will learn my absolute favorite, hands down, best closer for restaurant work PERIOD. This is an effect that has incredible commercial appeal to it. The effect ends with the volunteer holding on to your business card which has just apparently become hot and burnt in their own hands! (don’t worry, your contact info doesn’t burn off).

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