The absolute best card DVD I have ever purchased. A great pick up for beginners and advanced
magicians. Some of this material will take a lot of practice but is SO worth it. The controls,
switches, and techniques in this DVD are the best I have seen. Also what the description doesn't
mention is that the spread switch and retention switch can also be used as 2 of the best forces out
there. I wish I could have bought this years ago.
15 of 16 magicians found this helpful.
Jack Carpenter is known as being one of the top card men in the world. He's a brilliant technician
with a pack of cards.
BUT...the magic presented on this set is not overly difficult. One of
the best tricks on the set is Poor Uncle Joe. It's "6 Card Repeat" and uses an Elmsley count, which
we learn our first week in magic. Poor Uncle Joe is not only interesting for an audience, it's very
This is a good opportunity to pull away from "self working" card tricks and start
doing real card magic!
The 2 DVD's are beautifully filmed and fun to watch as well as learn
13 of 15 magicians found this helpful.
This DVD set is awesome and belongs to my all-time favorite DVDs.
The set contains
gambling routines, a section on technique and general card magic. As intermediate/advanced magician
I enjoyed all of them even if I am not into gambling routines. Jack teaches switches, some hints
with respect to palming and a great lesson on second/bottom deals. While most of the tricks require
intermediate skills, some tricks can be done right away, e.g. touch my heart (awesome two card
transpo) and running the aces (cutting the aces trick).
8 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
Awesome DVD. Great teacher. Fun to watch and learn.
8 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
I perform close-up regularly and found this dvd to be amazing - great concepts and sleights, well
put together, and with a variety of effects ranging from a few days practice to what I'm sure will
be a year or two! I've said it to others before, and I'll say it on here, it's the best money I've
ever spent on a dvd. This dvd does not offer much in the way of humour, and many of the routines do
not easily lend themselves to easy laughs, but with the time and patience required to learn the
effects, you *will* astound them. If you are already well experienced with cards, get this dvd! If
you are new or still learning and refining basics, please move along, this set will frustrate you.
6 of 7 magicians found this helpful.
This DVD provides a smattering of knockout card effects that cover gambling, 'magic' and a little
mentalism. There are some really clever and fooling principles underlying many of the effects, Touch
My Heart being a case in point: a heartstopping trick (pun intended) with a devilishly simple
method. Jack's moves and technique are also lovely and smooth. I look forward to practising the
retention switch and playing around with it as a force.
One star is lost as Jack does struggle
as a teacher- it would have been helpful if he had slowed down and showed all finger positions when
giving tips on the Diagonal Palm Shift, Second and Bottom Dealing. Nonetheless, a lovely set.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
This DVD set is exciting to watch. It is full of fun and interesting routines, and they are (for the
most part) far easier than they look. This DVD makes me want to practice in a way few DVDs do.
The only downside is that there are no performances to an audience. The other magicians on the
DVD do provide their own (sometimes slightly annoying) reactions, but a real audience would have
been better for the performances. Also, in a few places the teaching gets confused (though not so
bad you can't follow it). All in all, one of the most fun DVD sets I've ever seen and the routines
make you want to practice them. Highly recommended.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
This is an amazing card trick, If you can master this you can be dangerous as Jack!, I personally
still trying to learn some of the tricks on these two disks, it is definitely worth the money I
spent. If you are into card games and playing jokes on your friends this will be something to get.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
I was a bit skeptical at first, because I'm not the best with cards, or gambling routines. The first
couple of sequences I was able to do within a few hours. Jack does a great job of showing exactly
how to do everything, and the DVD is decently entertaining to watch. This DVD also contains a lot of
stuff that I will have to practice, but that's good and the effects are killer!!
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
im not a card expert or attempt to be but its nice to see a profesional doing it and an excelent
teacher on how to create miracles with cards,not all tricks are easy to do but once you master them
i believe you will be able to amaze with them.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.