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Laptop Lecture by Rick Lax (Instant Download)

20 mind-expanding tricks from one of magic's most creative inventors! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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The Laptop Lecture

Rick Lax’s breakthrough Laptop Lecture is jam-packed with 20 amazing close-up miracles. All are performed and explained in exquisite detail. Rick teaches original card magic, original coin magic…but also original magic with neckties, matchboxes and Doritos bags.

Here’s a message from Rick:

“I promise you this: If you buy the laptop lecture, you’re going to walk away with at least one new trick that you’ll actually perform. I packed the Laptop Lecture with tricks for all skill levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. But even if you’re an advanced magician, I’m betting you’re going to like some of my easier tricks, because performing them will allow you to focus on your audience.”

For years, Rick has been showcasing mind-boggling magic on his personal YouTube channel. And he’s only shared the secrets with his closest magic friends. But now, after years of carefully guarding these creations, he’s ready to not only reveal their secrets, but teach them, so that you might perform them, too.

After the tricks and explanations are done…the lecture doesn’t stop! You’ll get to watch two live performances by Rick, and you’ll hear postgame analysis on what went right and what went wrong. You’ll also get a look at some of the magic creations that inspires Rick.

But at the end of the day, the Laptop Lecture isn’t about inspiration. It’s not about theory and it’s not about analysis. It’s about learning new magic tricks. And Rick’s got 20 of them ready to go:


1: Shrink & Clone: Turn your microwave into a shirk ray and a cloning machine.

2: Knifed Necktie: The cut-and-restored necktie illusion that served as a precursor to Rick’s hit illusion, “Detach.”

3: The Wipe-Away Tie: A quick, magical tie flourish for stage performers.

4: Starter Box: An empty matchbox instantly fills up with matches.

5: Red Sea Chi: A dinner plate, a cup of water, and a peppershaker are combined to create a powerful chi demonstration.

6: Wormholope: A dollar bill teleports from one envelope to another.


7: Coin-Through-Shirt: Pull a signed coin through the fibers of your t-shirt.

8: The ‘Which Hand’ Criss-Cross: A dumb joke becomes an amazing illusion before the spectator knows what hit her.

9: The Chip Vanish: Rick’s variation on the false transfer.

10: The Grab Appearance: A poker chip appears inside an empty hand.

11: The Palm Wipe Appearance: A poker chip appears between two empty palms.

12: The Fingertip Wipe Appearance: A poker chip appears at the fingertips.


13: Floater: A simple way to float a playing card with no invisible thread.

14: Oral Fixation: Bite the center out of a playing card and magically spit it back together. Don’t blink!

15: Eating George: At the bars and the clubs, Rick performs this trick more than any other.

16: Ambitious Miscall (Rick’s simple addition to a classic Ambitious Card sequence that takes things to a whole new level.)

17: Signed & Swapped: Two signed playing cards magically trade places. (It’s different from French Kiss because both cards are signed by spectators.)

18: Fortuity: A chosen card appears at a chosen number. Use a borrowed, shuffled deck.

19: Interactive Poker Deal: Turn anyone into a master poker cheat…in seconds.

20: The Lax Cut: Rick hasn’t just guarded the secret to this Cutting-The-Aces sequence; he’s performed it for virtually no one. Only his closest, most-trusted magic friends and advisors. But now, he’s ready to share it with you. If you do card tricks, this secret alone is easily worth the price of the lecture.

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$2/Trick = High Value Lecture Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 4th, 2015
This is quite the lecture. Rick packs as many tricks as you should probably pack into a 2.5 hour lecture (and then some). I strongly feel, anyone that gets this will find some value in at least half of the lecture.

For me, I'm not a coin guy, but you bet I'm adding some of these effects into my normal routine. The 'Which-Hand' Criss-Cross is a powerful move that when executed well, will kill your audience. It's a fairly simple move that will take a little practice, but will convince your audience you're a master sleight of hand artist.

My full review of all the effects are below:


1: Shrink & Clone:

Pretty cool trick. More of a ‘party’ style trick since you’ll be at home or someone else home, unless you carry a microwave everywhere you go. I will probably only do this at someone else’s house after having a few adult beverages.

2: Knifed Necktie:

I love this, I will most likely perform this effect impromptu in situations I’m wearing a necktie. It’s a great effect for a silent act who’s normal attire is a suit and tie. However, I think you could develop patter easy enough to fit this into a parlor routine.

3: The Wipe-Away Tie:

Great quick visual effect. Get ready to work on your ‘mime’ skills. I am certain I will do this effect from time to time.

4: Starter Box:

Rick shows a matchbox trick that is surprisingly simple and leaves you clean at the end of the effect. I am not a magician that likes to carry a lot of miscellaneous props around with me (for example table hopping or cocktail hour magic) however, if you ever come across a box of matches, this effect will not only fry their brains, but will only take about a minute to set up. By definition I don't know if that is considered 'impromptu' but it is close enough in my book. Its a great tool to have for when the right situation arises. OR - just carry a matchbox with you and you're ready to go.

5: Red Sea Chi:

At first, Red Sea Chi was a let down, because anyone that's had a science class has probably done this at some point or seen a video on youtube of the milk swirls and food coloring. However, it's Ricks method of distracting the audience by disproving the method, and then secretly adding the gimmick that makes this effect more magical. Ultimately, I love the new handling of this and will definitely perform it at some point.

6: Wormholope:

Wormholope is technically a trick, but what I took away is a slight subtlety that can essentially create miracles if you apply it to other methods. I've had similar ideas like this, but Rick easily put this into perspective with how powerful an effect like this could be. Most will probably overlook this effect, but for me this might be one of the highest values for me to adopt an idea to my own style. I love this one.


7: Coin-Through-Shirt:

I love this quick and easy effect. So much so, I have performed it about 8 times in the past two days which is not normal for me to do immediately after learning an effect. It’s safe to say this is something I will continue to use often and definitely have found value in.

8: The ‘Which Hand’ Criss-Cross: A dumb joke becomes an amazing illusion before the spectator knows what hit her.

This will take practice, but once I have this effect down, I will consider a $40 investment WELL WORTH IT! I have seen other methods of getting a small object to switch hands quickly like this (usually while sitting at a table) However, Ricks handling of this while standing up will FRY BRAINS when you get it down. Which to me and my performance style, is well worth it. Thanks so much, Rick for sharing this with us.

I hate coin tricks. So, any teaching video that has them are always glanced over for me. However, Rick really changed my mind and converted me and makes me want to adopt some of these effects he teaches. I think the main point on why I am so attracted to them is because he ditches using quarters and half dollars and introduces poker chips. REAL poker chips. No gimicks. The 'coin' through shirt is great value for me, so I will start adding this to my routine when I need something quick and startling.

As for the rest of the coin tricks, like I said above, I’m not really a coin guy, but his take on the George Dollar bill is good.


13: Floater:

I really like this method. I’m not one for having gimmicked cards in my routines, but this is pretty fun and cool to do if and when I feel like doing something different. It looks amazing and is easy to make.

14: Oral Fixation: Bite the center out of a playing card and magically spit it back together. Don’t blink!

I made this gimmick today and played around with it a little bit… This is pretty darn cool. And the startling restoration is surprisingly easy to pull off. If you love card magic, this will be valuable to you. This could have easily been it’s own download for $10-15.

15: Eating George:

16: Ambitious Miscall :

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new take on a classic utility move I already do in my ambitious routines. So, I know if you do ambitious, you will love this.

17: Signed & Swapped:

The thing I hated about French Kiss is that only one card could be selected by the spectator… Rick solves that issue here and I love it! Another routine going straight into my routine.

18: Fortuity:

At this point… if you do ANY card magic, and you haven’t bought this lecture… you’re really missing out….

19: Interactive Poker Deal:

Practically self working. If you do any "poker" routines, or have wanted to do one this will be valuable to you.

20: The Lax Cut

Did you purchase this lecture yet? If not… just do it for this utility alone… Seriously, just do it! This is surprisingly easy and works amazing. Can be done with a borrowed deck and done impromptu without creasing cards. You can literally be blindfolded and cut to whichever cards you previously lost in the deck. Very good move. I'll be using this.
24 of 24 magicians found this helpful.
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I like Rick but not The Lecture Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 5th, 2015
Different strokes for different folks. I did not find anything I would use. I have several of Rick's releases-some are great some are ok. I was looking forward to the lecture but it left me a little flat. Also I found the Wizard War's segment boring.

There are a lot of 5 star reviews - I am wondering if I watched a different lecture. I think you could find better value else were - my opinion only

I give Rick 5 stars for being the creative and enthusiastic person he is.
9 of 13 magicians found this helpful.
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wow Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 5th, 2015
what I took from this lecture what is the amount of information that he shared about handling miss conception somebody holding a coin in one hand when it's really not and leading them to believe it's there and then exposing and body language and different methods and different ways of handling coins because Im a coin guy and I really liked the handling of the poker chips I thought I saw every sleight of hand trick in the book but I always like to see different variations and rick lex for me has become one of my favorite well I can call him a magician because he's really an inventor I just learned that but I also think he is a great magician I would highly recommend this DVD oh I'm sorry this lecture ' advanced or not because the amount of information that's on it is so useful I think it's actually a little bit more valuable than the magic tricks but I definitely will use the poker chip effects and the microwave oven trick that's pretty cool' anyway highly recommend this lecture and for 20 bucks you can't beat that thank you Rick.
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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great lecture Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 4th, 2015
The description is one of the most detailed I have seen lately, it is true thay you might only like the cards section or the everyday objects section but for me I will use probably %75 of the effects and %100 of the knowledge he was sharing and maKe It my own its like a mixed bag of lollies you may not like all the types or flavours equally but they're all good to eat.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 2nd, 2015
What can i say about this lecture other than its great! If you are new to magic , buy this! If you arent new to magic , buy this!!!! Over 2 hours of great tips tricks and so much more.. great job
5 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
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Finally!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 3rd, 2015
So Glad Rick put out a lecture. I love all the stuff he puts out on Penguin so I couldn't wait to see this when I heard he was doing a lecture. He has lots of tricks and better yet a lot of ideas on the tricks he does.
He states that he hopes you get at least one thing off the lecture you will use all the time and so far I have 3 and I am not even into the card part yet.
I am only half way through it but I am watching every part not skipping anything so it is taking me longer to finish it with my busy schedule.
I think new to magic and been doing magic for years will all enjoy this lecture.
4 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Just buy it!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 5th, 2015
i love Ricks magic, most of my favourite being on this instant download. I have bought a few lectures in the past were usually alright. But this download shows you 20 tricks, one of my favourites being oral fixation, which i think Rick could have easily released by itself for at least 10$. The main reason i love this is because Rick is just a cool guy, and he explains everything in great detail. Buy it!!!!!
3 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Amazing Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 7th, 2015
This is a great lecture packed with tricks and principles that are great to learn and great to brush up on. I really enjoyed the simple tricks. Coin Through Shirt, Signed & Swapped, Fortuity and Rick's Cut make this well worth the purchase price. I highly recommend this.
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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Jam packed with great material! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 5th, 2015
An amazing collection of great tricks from a great creator. This video is rich with content, advice and performances that straight away had me reaching for cards, coins and my neck tie!

There is a huge 20 TRICKS included across a variety of genres - something for everyone! The methods are fun to learn and the video is entertaining to watch.

Highly recommended!
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Great Laptop Lecture Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 4th, 2015
I am thankful to be one of the first people to recieve this lecture and man oh man is this thing packed full of goodies. It starts off with Rick in his kitchen showing you a great party trick with a bag of doritos that will amaze any one. He then gos into non-card and non-coin magic which I love to perform. He then shows you behind the scenes peeks of his TV show Wizard Wars. And Im glad to say the sneak peeks did not disappoint. He also go's over a bit and restored card you can do with a borrowed deck which looks insane. As well as other card and coin magic tricks. He then shows you his performance at Jeff Mcbride's Wonderground and talks about what he did well and what he did not so well on.
Over all this lecture is a great change from the whole p3 studio lecture and is great for beginners and advanced magicians alike. BRAVO RICK.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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