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Do You Want To Learn Magic? Featuring Rob Stiff (DVD + Bonus Tricks)

Learn 12 of the best tricks in magic! Bonus Trick: Learn the Self-Levitation Illusion!
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Rob Stiff and Magic Makers have created one of the very best DVDs in magic.

Beyond the fact that this DVD contains the some of the very best in magic content, it is the FIRST in Magic to originally be filmed in High Definition! Magic Makers has become the new standard of quality with their Feature DVDs!

This DVD contains 4 DVDs in 1. Hard To Believe? You will quickly learn that the Magic Makers Feature Line DVDs do not hold back! You get it all and the price is always RIGHT!:

  1. Do You Want To Learn Magic ?12 of the best tricks in Magic
  2. Do You Want To Levitate ?Learn step by step the secrets of the self levitation.
  3. One Handed Moves ?Learn, the one-handed cut, one-handed spinning cut & the one-handed shuffle.
  4. Card forces ?10 Incredible ways to secretly force a card on your spectator!
Here's a closer look at the street magic portion of the DVD:
Rob Stiff will share with you the best of the best in magic tricks. Start by learning a card trick that leaves their jaws dropping. Then, see how easy it is to make a coin vanish right out of your hand and reappear! From cards, coins, rubber bands, ropes, to a mindreading trick that uses ordinary books, you will get it all!

The tricks are easy to perform and are designed to fool everyone. Here is your magical menu:
  1. One Pack Wonder (Cards)
  2. Two Decks are Better Then One
  3. Vanish and Reappear (Coin Trick)
  4. The Money Roll (Paper Currency)
  5. The Jumping Match
  6. Card in the Envelope
  7. Cut and Restored Rope
  8. The Rubberband Penetration
  9. Mind Reading Book Trick
  10. Card on the Napkin
  11. Coin thru the Table
  12. Card in the Mind
You'll also learn one of the most guarded secrets in magic--the self levitation illusion.

Plus, as an added bonus you'll learn a series of more advanced moves for card tricks including:
  • The One Handed Cut
  • The One Handed Spinning Cut
  • The One Handed Shuffle
  • And Much, Much, More!

Manufacturer Says

Recommended for Ages 8 and Up!

Total Run Time: 2 Hours

Shot on Location in South Beach Miami Florida

Originally filmed in High Definition with Sony�s best HD equipment, Do You Want To Learn Magic DVD is positioned for future release when HD DVD becomes available.

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Best Overall !!! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 26th, 2004
Oz's BTP is the best beginner in card magic only.
But this DVD is the best beginner in general magic.
The tricks in this DVD taked from the BEST part of this DVD :
-Complete Card Magic - Volume Six: Forces Shuffles Flourishes (force)
-Complete Card Magic - Volume Seven: Cuts and Sleights (one handed cut)
-Quantum Bandit (penetrating rubber band in Jay Sankey's Amazing Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do)
-Jay Sankey's Revolutionary Coin Magic (coin through table)
-Mind Mysteries by Richard Osterlind (Mind Reading Book)
-Many of self levitation DVD (good material that must known by the beginner)

With that price, you must get this.
Why spending your money if you have the best ?
If you're the beginner or someone that boring with card trick,
then this DVD is right for you.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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Ideal Starting Point For Beginners Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 25th, 2017
OVERVIEW: This DVD from Magic Makers is a good starting point for those relatively new to magic, because it teaches a variety of magic tricks that are easy to learn, master, perform and amaze. In the video, Rob Stiff goes through some different magic tricks using a variety of different items, including some card tricks, coin tricks, match tricks and a lot more. With almost two hours of material in total, this DVD will give the beginner what is needed to start learning magic. The main part of the video teaches you how to perform 12 different tricks, as well as a bonus levitation trick, some one-handed fancy moves that you can do with a deck of cards, and card forces.

CONTENTS: There's a ton of material on here, and that's because this is effectively four videos in one.

1. Do You Want To Learn Magic (46 minutes)
This is the main part of the video, and this section includes teaching you how to perform a few card tricks, how to vanish and make a coin reappear, some other magic with money, how to make a match jump from pile to pile, how to cut and magically restore a rope, how to penetrate a rubber band through another one, how to read the mind of someone using an ordinary book, and more.

2. Do You Want to Levitate (4 minutes)
This is a simple introduction to the well-known Balducci Levitation.

3. One Handed & Other Moves (20 minutes)
This material covers some basic one-handed moves, but also has bonus material explaining the slip force & double lift.

4. Card Forces (36 minutes)
This section features teaching by Gerry Griffin, and covers 10 different forces, including the classic force, 10-20 force, riffle force, and more.

TEACHING: Aside from the final section on card forces, Rob Stiff does the teaching for all the tricks, and he goes through them very well, first showing a performance of the trick and then explaining how to do the trick yourself. All of the tricks that have been chosen in the video are, as the back of the DVD says, “easy to perform and are designed to fool everyone.”, and that's an accurate description. Rob's teaching makes it easy to follow along with him and learn what to do, and these tricks also astound the audience, as can be seen by how they react.

BEGINNERS: This DVD is definitely for beginners who wish to start learning magic. The tricks are easy to learn so you can go out there and start performing quite quickly. There are a variety of different types of tricks, so not just card tricks, but tricks using money, books, rope and more can also be learnt, so you will be able to show your audience an entire range of different styles of tricks. But it's also good for the person who already has some experience as a beginner, and is looking to learn some basic sleight of hand (e.g. double lift) and forces, to take their card magic to the next level.

INTERMEDIATES: But it's not only beginner material here, and there's some real gold that even the intermediate magician will appreciate. Take for example the Rubberband Penetration (commonly called the Crazy Man's Handcuffs). This effect can be killer, and although it requires practice to master, it's well worth the effort. There's certainly some very good material here that can help you amaze.

RECOMMENDATION: This DVD is a wonderful place to start to learn how to perform magic, so would make a gift to any starting magician, whether they be young or older. If you are interested in learning magic, this is definitely a great DVD to begin your journey into the amazing world of magic, where you can learn to astound and baffle your audience with some great magic tricks! But even if you have some experience with magic, you'll also find some good material here to use as well. For around 2 hours of material, and a price that's usually around $5-$10, it's excellent value. - BoardGameGeek reviewer EndersGame
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A good DVD Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 9th, 2010
The stuff on this DVD is really good for beginners but if you have been doing magic for a long time, then you probably have already don't most of this. Don't this turn you off from buying this DVD though. The rubber band trick is something that I still use today and still gets me great reactions. You will also learn some great cuts and flourishes that you will use throughout your entire magic career. If you are just starting out, this is a great DVD for you.
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I think my grandpa showed Rob Stiff these tricks Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 4th, 2006
This is definitely a good beginners dvd. If you're young and brand new to magic, this is the dvd for you. These tricks were designed for those who aren't quick enough to catch the secrets that are sometimes all too obvious. Again, if your target audience is composed of 10 year olds (or even slow adults as seen in this dvd) who concentrate more on the magic than trying to figure the trick out, then this dvd is great. Also, Rob Stiff lives up to his name. He's just doesn't look comfortable doing his tricks and has a very basic patter (like he read it out of a book). On the other hand, the forces are handy and the one-handed moves are nice, although I'm sure there are better dvd's that contain the same stuff (Born to Perform Card Magic is a good start).
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Terrible Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 19th, 2005
I could have made a better DVD in my basement. Plain and simple. All these effects are so basic that you can find most of them online for free. And it's not like I'm a professional magician...I'm 16. The only people I would recomend this DVD for are total beginners. I would recomend things like a Svengali or an Invisible Deck insted of this garbage. You work hard for your money and this product is not worth it.
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superb Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 27th, 2005
This video is for beginners and intermediate level magicians who are looking to add useful and powerful tricks to their repotire. Well produced, good material, and lots of material makes this dvd the best beginners on the market. Look at the price! Superb! Get it now!
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Good Intro DVD Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 13th, 2004
I think this DVD is a average to above average intro to magic. I must disagree with the first reviewer just because the tricks are easy does not diminish their impact. I don't think Rob's presentation is the best ever seen but it is effective. I do agree the bonus sections are very good especially Gerry Griffin's 10 Card force section. The mini-lesson on the balducci levitaion is fair. Comparing this DVD to another intro to magic, Mark wilson's Video course it comes in third place tied with Mark Wilson's. It is not fair to compare this DVD to Oz's BTP as Oz's focuses on card magic and Rob's is giving a smattering of the major magics

The production value of the DVD is great as is the DVD menu.
For 20 bucks you will not go wrong if your a beginner or even an intermediate.
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Good thing it was free Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 8th, 2004
Well, I gotta say, this isn't one of the best DVD's I've purchased. The magic on the DVD is very elemental, although properly applied it can be very effective. I was expecting something a little better, so I was dissapointed with its contents. But hey, like I said, I got it for free, so I can't complain. The one trick on there that I really liked involved 2 rubber bands. Other than that one, it was pretty bad. Sorry Rob, I just didnt like this one. I gave it two stars because the interface was good, and the rubber band trick was excellent.
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I guess you don't want to learn magic Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 22nd, 2004
Alright, in terms for all those with a low IQ, I'll put it simply, this DVD sucks. It teaches all these uncle tricks, and if you don't know what an uncle trick is it is one of those tricks that an uncle knows. The best part is the one handed moves and the forces, most of these tricks are the only ones where you "********" the bottom card cut the deck, and look at the card in front of it. I got it for free but I would never pay for it. UMMMMM, yeah, so I wouldn't recomend it, you should get Sankey Secret files, or 3 Ring Circus, but not this. Penguin is a great magic retailer but they "spiff" this product up.

P.S. Penguin Magic ROCKS!!!!(but not the DVD)
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Easy and Effective Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 22nd, 2004
I received this DVD for free during a sale a few months back - and I am very happy with it now. Already owning Born to Perform, Stealing Pips and Gerry's Lucky Sevens - this was a step down.

However, there is a major difference. The tricks you take away from the DVD can be used in many ways. Be creative, change stories, and know how to use your crowd.

The Book Trick, if done right, will really scare people.

Worth the price, just go beyond the DVD.
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