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Hofzinser Poker By Jeremy Hanrahan

Jeremy Hanrahan's Hofzinser Poker
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Price: $24.95
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Imagine being able to change a card's value with little to no sleight-of-hand. Now imagine being able to change 5 cards instantly with no sleight-of-hand. This is possible with Hofzinser Poker. You explain that card cheats have altered playing cards so they can actually see through the back of a playing card. Five cards are held up to a light one at a time to prove that you can actually see through the back of a playing card under certain lighting conditions. At the end of this display, you ask the spectator if they would bet on that particular hand with it being filled with such low-value cards? They, of course, will say no. You then turn the cards over to reveal a royal flush. No sleight-of-hand required. Instant reset. Comes with 5 custom hofzinser cards matched in a set. See why this effect sold out at Magi Fest and Blackpool. Comes with in depth pdf instruction. You will be able to perform this amazing effect right after reading the detailed pdf.

"I saw this demoed at Magi-Fest. What a GREAT IDEA!!!! It has to be one of, if not the, best applications of the Hofzinser card I've ever seen. And the price is incredible! Five Hofzinser cards (with different values) for that low price? If I didn't have one in my hand I'd think it was a joke."

- Richard Kaufman

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