Love it been looking for long time for this one didn't know the proper name got mine at convention
and love it it's soft rubber not had plastic.
Loads a ton stuff I use diamond silks so it loads
a lot . I do final vanish of 4 sponge balls 1.5 yes 4... the size it's a little long some beginners.
Might feel uncomfortable ..... but like Amar says in his DVDs it's not design to be expose if
you're careful you can do miracles lots of room king size and soft rubber the best of both worlds if
you ask me for large loads or vanishes.. thank you guys .
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It is perfect for billetswitches, and the extra size makes it possible to carry huge amounts of
stuff with ou unnoticed. It is however almost too long, making putting it on and off a bit awkward,
but that might be simply because I have quite small hands
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These Vernet thumbtips are just great!
It was a thumb. It fit my finger. It was not soft. It was the same as the other "normal" thumb I
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I thought this thumb tip was going to be soft like some rubber ones that I have. It's more like a
soft vinyl but not soft enough.
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