Cons: I should have read the promo better. It is just a reveal and not that good of one. I was taken
by the positive reviews.
It scratches easily and needs to be kept in a velvet bag to keep
it from being scratched. Not well thought out.
Can be done only once per audience.
Pro: It is a card clip
It can easily go wherever your cards go.
I think this
is a bit of a novelty (for magicians) that will soon wear out. I can't see using it in my routines.
10 of 10 magicians found this helpful.
STELLAR is a beautiful little pocket wonder, unlike any other part of your routine.
- You can carry it as an actual card clip, which not only helps protect your cards and makes you
look classy, but motivates the use of the prop.
- It's very high quality, with thick polished
- It's easy to perform once you get the hang of it.
- It produces a unique effect
that compounds the effect of divining the selecting card.
- You can make the stars twinkle
without displaying the selecting card before you decide to reveal the selection. This lets you
weave the prop in and out of your patter to introduce it.
- I would call it completely
examinable. Spectators will lose interest in examining it long before they figure anything out. And
even if they do, they'll still wonder how you/"it" knew what card they selected.
- Can't be repeated for the same spectators. Since the ad copy doesn't explain more about this,
I won't. But if you connect the dots yourself you'll understand how this works. The "pro" spin on
this "con" is that you can get to the point of the reveal by the method and presentation of your
- Weighs about as much as a full deck of cards. I'm not sure how important the thickness
of the metal is to the effect, but I wish it were lighter.
- There's a huge vanity logo for the
manufacturer on the inside of the clip, which could lead a curious spectator to find the secret via
- Some light sources and projection surfaces work better than others, but this is well
explained in the instructional video. Basically you need a single-bulb source (like a smartphone,
small flashlight, or even the sun) and a flat, light surface (like a wall or screen, or I've even
used a dinner napkin held up by a spectator). So it's versatile, but it may not work in every
Given the quality and uniqueness, I think STELLAR is worth the price and I've
enjoyed using it.
9 of 11 magicians found this helpful.
Was taken by good reviews. But it's just a card clip with a holes.
But you can't use it as a
card clip, cause it will be scratched the first your walkaround hour.
So it would be ok for
20-25$, but 40 is way overpriced.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
After receiving the Stellar card clip I must admit, this thing is cool! Gorgeous looking card clip
that adds a nice, professional, touch to carrying your deck of cards around. Inspecting it I noticed
Alchemy Insiders did a solid piece of quality work. Sturdy, thick metal with a very nice black
mirror finish.
The trick works exactly as described, I've added a kind of astrological
patter to enhance the astonishment. The clip can be inspected, then I use my cellphone flashlight to
show the twinkle of "stars" on a wall or ceiling. The spectator chooses a card, then that same
twinkle of scattered stars morphs into the spectators chosen card. The handful of people I've had
the chance to show have told me its one of my more "beautiful" card illusions. I can't agree more.
The trick is simple to do, took me roughly 10 minutes to learn how to manipulate the clip
while shining the light through, but honestly it'll do all the work for you. I've handed the clip
out for inspection after the reveal and nobody can figure it out, I can't even figure it out lol.
Great prop to carry around with me and use as an actual card clip to keep my cards perfect.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
As a "utility device," Stellar is the least useful.
Let's think of some utility devices:
IT (thread)
TT (thumb tip)
Entire acts can be created using just one of the above utility devices. Hence the name UTILITY
device (useful device).
Stellar is one trick that has the following cons:
Cannot be repeated
2. The gimmick (utility device) can be used for only one function--to
reveal the 7D
3. Takes up as much pocket space as a deck of cards.
4. The "prop"
is unfamiliar and thus draws attention to itself. Unlike a TT, IT, Loops, Swami, Topit (all of which
are invisible props, so using them you can just borrow an ordinary object from a spectator and
apparently perform "propless"), this novel-looking prop (not a good thing) does the trick.
5. None of the magic happens in the hands of the spectators. This is huge. They will remain
spectators and not participants. The most powerful tricks are those that happen in the spectator's
own hands. This includes mentalism, since mentalism performed well has the same intrusive effect.
Yes, Stellar is technically mentalism, but it still feels like a spectacle rather than divining
private thoughts of a it's basically a "pick a card, there I found it" plot.
6. It's a card trick. This is a con if you, like me, have 10 other card tricks that are better
than Stellar (and do not require a deck-sized gimmick). If you don't know many card tricks (or are
not very good at them), but you do know a good force (not an obvious force like the back slip
force), then Stellar might be for you. Even then, why not just get an Invisible Deck? It's a better
trick and can be performed again with a different outcome.
1. Odds are, your
spectators will remember this trick (and not the ACR that you spent years practicing). This is
because laypeople do not remember card tricks UNLESS there is another prop involved (this is why I
do card under drink...they remember their signed card appearing under their cup of coffee).
They enjoy the ACR, of course. They just don't remember it.
That means they don't tell a
story about you.
I suppose if they are wearing a black shirt, you could project the 7D
onto their own shirt--that would be way better than this demo video.
If you think this
should not be regarded as a con, then your magic could be ten times better if you changed your
criteria for what makes a great trick.
There are beautiful tricks I refuse to do, because
the trick happens in the performers hands. If I can't figure a way to make it happen in my
audience's hands, then I will not perform the trick. There are enough great tricks to choose from.
We can discard these "spectacles" and choose tricks that actually move the audience.
Stellar DID have potential. The concept is great. Unfortunately, the creator had the option to
REVEAL ANYTHING. Any thought (a force of course), a PIN code (you could've used Stellar for a PIN
code divination, despite needing to force the PIN...just needs some justification for not using
their real PIN, which is easy enough), a zodiac sign, a dog breed, a hotel room number, ANYTHING.
Okay, maybe a word is too difficult to spell out with the holes. But numbers.
Stellar, you had the ENTIRE UNIVERSE of options, an ocean of possible reveals.
And the
creative inventor of Stellar settled on...
wait for it... a reveal of the 7 of diamonds.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
Coming from a Psychological Illusionist that didn't expect a huge response from the simplicity of
the trick (like PK Touch), the audience's reaction proved its worth.
As one of the first
"staged" effects I performed for a recent company holiday party on the outskirts of Chicago, I was
surprised when hearing the gasps & "woah's" behind me as the stars aligned for their big reveal.
Despite my believing a card holder should snugly hold one's deck versus let it slip, the
true purpose behind the gimmick played well and I'll be utilizing in upcoming company and corporate
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
Poor sound. Two black gimmicks shown by a fellow wearing a black shirt with a black background!!!
How daft is that??
The important thing for Penguin staff to remember is "Be heard. Be clearly
visible. Give the demonstrator a personal mic and TURN THE SOUND UP."
Why is that difficult??
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
What a great surprise for an ordinary prop that you would have on you anyway while strolling or at
any time to protect your cards. Does exactly what it says it does with no false camera editing like
sooooooo many videos to sell you magic. Looks even better in your hand than even the video. Can be
added as a final kicker to so many different existing effects. Great polished finish too. Lasts
forever, very well built in a beautiful package as well. If you use a card case then this is a must
have to add to your repertoire. If you don't use one then what a great reason to buy this effect.
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
I was very impressed to the point I had to leave a review after receiving the clip. The tutorial is
short but covers everything you need to know to create the best revelation possible using light in
my opinion. I can’t wait to start using this in my walk around settings where it will not only grab
the attention from every table but creates a piece of art that takes up the entire wall or less. The
clip can immediately be examined since there’s nothing to hide or take away. I will be using this!
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
It's a card reveal. In the right location is gets a huge reaction from spectators. Highly