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Phantom Pencils (REQUIRES Pro PK Kit) by Chazpro

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PHANTOM PENCILS - Ala Carte Version. (This version is for magicians who already own a Micro 5 PK Prop.) This item contains 4 complete effects, plus a bonus routine. Includes all items needed to perform each of the 4 main effects.

Effect #1 - Rising Pencil. Place an examined pencil on your hand and it slowly rises! A classic effect with a different method. No poking your hand. Pencil can be examined before and immediately after. Nothing added or taken away. Spectator can pick pencil off your hand!

Also perform this effect in a spectator's hand! Perform seated at a table or standing/walk around when using a spectator's hand.

Effect #2 - Floating Pencil. A pencil and test tube are examined. A spectator can drop the pencil into the test tube and seal with a cap. The performer holds the tube and concentrates and slowly the pencil begins to float up in the tube! Yes, it actually floats! Remove the cap and the pencil floats up, above the top of the tube! No threads or attachments of any kind. Pencil and test tube can be examined before and after! Spectator can actually place the pencil into the tube and remove it! Also perform this effect in a spectator's hand! The performer holds the test tube and places the bottom of the tube against the spectator's hand. Both concentrate and the pencil floats up in the tube. Perform seated at a table or standing/walk around when using a spectator's hand.

Effect #3 - Seance Pencil. A silk and pencil are examined. A spectator signs a blank card, which is put under the silk, along with the pencil. A spirit is called. When it arrives, it lifts the pencil and begins to write - the silk actually rises and moves as the pencil writes! When the silk is opened, the signed card is found to have a message written upon it. Again, all can be examined. Great for seance and spooky magic!

Effect #4 - Psychometry Pencils. Six different colored pencils and six envelopes are examined. A spectator picks one pencil and puts it in any envelope. The remaining 5 pencils are each put into a separate envelopes. All six envelopes are mixed, so no one, the performer or spectators, know which envelope contains the selected pencil (true!). The performer counts the envelopes into a row and a spectator selects one. This envelope is opened by the spectator, who discovers it contains her selected pencil. An alternate ending has the performer locating the correct pencil by sensing the energy that was placed on the selected pencil by the spectator. No sight clues! No marked envelopes. Everything is examinable before and after! The latter version can be performed at the table or standing/walk around.

Bonus Routine: Ultra Spirit. A box with a hole in the lid is examined. A blank card is signed by a spectator and dropped into the box. A pencil with a string attached to the non-writing end, is dropped into the box, via the hole. The spectator holds the end of the string. A spirit arrives and begins to write a message on the card. As it writes, the string becomes taut and the spectator actually feels tugging on the string. They will scream! When the box is opened, the signed card is found with a message written on it! Again, all can be examined.

This version of Phantom Pencils requires a Pro PK Kit. It includes: six different colored pencils (one specially gaffed), envelopes, silk, test tube, out-to-lunch pack with correct size rubber band, and illustrated instructions.

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