There’s a reason classics are classics: they are simple, powerful, easy to remember, and transcend
time and culture. The Lota Vase, or Inexhaustible Bottle, may be one of the oldest tricks in the
world. It’s also one of the most powerful.
How do I know this? Because I’ve been doing it
in my Parlor shows for more than a decade and, after every show, people come up to me and say, “That
was a great show! Now, where the %*^# did all that water come from?”
Every. Single. Show.
I bought this one as my new one: the previous one has been used so much it’s all banged up.
This one gets the bubble wrap treatment.
Pro tip: I pack it stuffed with paper towels. (I
just used those “choose your size” ones and get a strip of four, twist it into a long, thin taper
and fill the hole). Then, after the show, even if you can’t get every drop of water out (and you
won’t), the paper towels will absorb enoughI to get you home safely. I also use a washcloth to wrap
it for travel. Never had a problem getting other props wet.
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The base leaks out a trickle of water (no, not talking about the hole on the side that your thumb
goes over; there must be a gap in the base where they sauntered the metal pieces together).
This prop will get your hands and table very wet because of the leak. I’ve tried filling it up
to lower levels but it leaks no matter what. Pretty frustrating to work with, do not recommend.