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Revolution Playing Cards

List price:$9.95
Price: $9.45
You save: $0.50 (5%)

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"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."
- Thomas Jefferson

With nothing more than simple keystrokes, shadowy individuals have the keys to rattle the very foundations that powers are built upon.

There is a hidden world out there, chaotic and swift, where a universe of information is surreptitiously collected and used as weaponry when the time is right. We rarely catch a glimpse of this world, as it hums along in the underbelly of our society every second. On the surface, we see our lives, our communities, our societies... but under that facade is a torrent of digital information - it has the means to reshape history.

The Revolution of tomorrow will be over before society even knows it has begun. It will be executed without angry mobs of protestors, controversial elections, and biased media coverage. With one keystroke, everything could change. Conceived and art-directed by Jason Brumbalow, and illustrated by Abraham Garcia, Revolution Playing Cards was created as an homage to the defiant.

So, look deeper, what do you see? What if the key were at your fingertips? What if you could start... a Revolution?

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Fascinating Design Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 27th, 2023
(This review is for Revolution Playing Cards)
This is the main deck I've been toying with the last few weeks. The design is fascinating with tons of beautiful elements that you only notice over time.

I would love to know more about them. What do the three lines everywhere represent. Who are the court cards modeled after? What does the symbolism mean? What message is the artist trying to convey?

The finish on these cards is not standard, but it handles very well. While most sleight of hand should be fine with this deck, the cards are a bit too stiff for anything that requires springy cards such as false bridge shuffles or deep pinky counts. The cards also don't faro well.

There is a card reveal on one of the jokers and the year the cards were produced (2015) comes up a few times for some bizarre reason. I'm sure that there are other secrets I haven't discovered yet.
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