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How to Control Minds Kit by Peter Turner -Trick

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Extraordinary Mind Control... For Entertainment Purposes Only.


This isn't mind-control that can be used to rob a bank or manipulate someone close to you. This is the morally safe, fun kind of mind control.

Use it to:

Fascinate your family
Captivate your colleagues & Freak out your friends.

NOTE: These techniques work in ANY Language... Not just in English

This kit will give you the ability to:

  • Invisibly touch strangers from 6 feet away. They really do feel it.
  • Convince an adult they can no longer read - and they can't.
  • Stick your friend's hand to a table. Using only your mind.
  • Remove someone's ability to say their own name.
  • Make a right-handed person switch to fully left-handed.
  • Steal their strength so they can no longer push something on the table.
  • Persuade them to give you ALL of their possessions in an instant. Then steal their thoughts too.
Gone are the days of boring party tricks. These are party starters!

Techniques that elevate you from man to myth.

Your friend can do a backflip?... That's cute.

You can control people's minds... and prove it.

But can you really do this?
Trust us, YOU CAN.

How can we be sure?

For 2 decades Ellusionist has trained more beginner magicians and minds readers than anyone in the world.

We make a living from doing what we say we will.

In 2019, on Kickstarter, we produced the now famous 'How to Read Minds Kit'.

It blew up and funded in just 90 minutes.

Those people didn't think they could read minds either, but now, all over the world... minds are getting read.

For this kit, we've hand-picked some of the most effective and easiest mind-control demonstrations ever created - to give beginners all the skills they need.

No prior experience or knowledge required.

Usually, it takes years to learn a new skill, like the guitar. Or you're simply born with artistic flare.

How to Control Minds was designed as a copy/paste talent. A mind-melting, ready-made talent that comes in a box.

Copy what we share with you'll be able to "just do it".

You don't need to be dexterous.
You don't need to be a showman.
You don't need to "know it all" before you can start wowing your friends.

People say you can't buy talent - but this kit proves them wrong.

This kit is not just for beginners though, it's for EVERYONE looking to gain or improve the skill of controlling minds - and in the process, you'll end up building confidence and an alluring reputation.

People will know you as the person who can control minds. How cool is that?

You'll have an unlimited social currency that you can bust out at every chance you get.

Be a standout, not a third wheel
Captivate ANY customer
Boost your tips
Make meeting people easier
Get known as "the most interesting kid at school"

But Is It Right for Me?
How To Control Minds makes the perfect gift for anyone, aged 13 & up:

Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Husband or Wife(Give them some new party tricks)
Your Son or Daughter (Help them build confidence)
That nephew you forgot to get a Xmas gift for. (Cheaper than a PS5)
You (Often the best gifts are the ones to yourself!).

If you're short on confidence, or lacking in people skills, especially after a year of being locked inside, then this kit is for you.

You will get ALL of this:

1. The Try Principle

A technique with unlimited possibilities, seriously. Make people unable to lift a pen out of their own hand, stop them from saying their own name. Stick their feet to the floor.

Any single hypnotic feat you've ever seen, you can replicate EASILY with this technique.

2. The Force

This is the one where people will scream that you're a "JEDI". Push someone over with your invisible force. You don't touch them.

3. Insurance

Whether it's in front of 2 or 2,000 people, Insurance allows you to steal a thought from someone's head and 'hypnotically' replace it with one of your own.

The best thing is, when they try and repeat the steps to try and catch you out - they can't, so the only possibility they can think of is that you ACTUALLY DID what you said you would.

4. Hand Stick

This is the easiest mind control phenomenon in the kit - and it's probably the most impressive.

You get a stranger's hand to stick to the table and then stop them from being able to say their own name. This is not a hypnotic trance that just works on some people, this is pure, raw suggestion.

Even if you forget what you're doing halfway through or it goes wrong, Pete will provide you with a surefire 'out' that makes it look like it worked perfectly, 100% of the time.

HAND STICK BONUS routine: When you've got your subject exactly where you want them, you'll be able to force them to say their secret pin code, instead of their name. They can't hold it back.

5. IPI (aka. Instant Pseudo Induction)

Without touching them, you'll be able to get a stranger to instantly fall into a hypnotic trance. You can't fail this. It's not real hypnosis but it actually looks better than real hypnosis. Fast & elegant. You'll blow people away with this.

6. Robin Hood

Two words. Daylight robbery. This is the technique that only TV shows in the middle-east were brave enough to air - because it looks so real.

Within 20 seconds, put someone into a trance and when they open their eyes they'll start to give you ALL of their precious belongings. Phone, keys, wallet - everything. But this isn't about theft, it's for entertainment, so the spectator leaves with all of their possessions and a powerful lesson on how easy it is for the mind to not only be read - but to be controlled.

7. Ambidextrous

Swap someone's ability to write from their one hand to the other. We all know how hard it is to write with our non-dominant hand, simple words look like complex scribbles. With this technique, you'll be able to switch your participant's ability from one hand to the other. This mind control technique is much simpler than it sounds.

8. Knock-back Induction

This is exactly what people expect when they see 'hypnosis' for entertainment. Super visual. Maybe the most visual induction ever created. One participant falls back it's a deep and startling trance. If you want to get reactions from the other side of the room, this is the one you do.


Steal their strength so they can't push an object across the table.

Using mental barriers, not physical ones, you can deplete their strength so even the tiniest friction between an object and the tabletop is too much to overcome.

Try as they might, they CANNOT move it.


Invisibly touch strangers from 6 feet away. They really do feel it. This is a true reputation maker. Pete's go-to effect and most prized creation. This can be the first and last thing you'll ever do and you'll leave the room with god-like status.

You can touch someone else on random parts of their body and the person across the room, with no one near them, will feel EVERYTHING. 3 invisible touches turn the experience into pure gold.

Even if you only learned this one thing from the kit - you'd instantly gain a powerful reputation among everyone you meet as the person who can control minds... and you can always prove it.


There is one technique that entertainers use on TV, Netflix®™, or Stage in almost every performance. This technique, once applied, will elevate basic effects to the realm of miracles.

You can choose whether or not you want to apply it, but if you're performing on social media, stage, or video - this is the secret sauce that stops people ever working out 'how' you control minds. No matter how many times they rewind.

BONUS 2: Mind Control Jam Session

Pete is constantly developing this material. Even if you're a big fan of his and watch everything he's ever done, you still haven't seen all of his subtleties and touches. In this casual jam session with world-renowned magic consultant Mark Lemon, the guys discuss their experiences performing each item.

They squeeze every last bit of juice from each routine and technique to give you maximum impact.

They also discuss any difficulties they've experienced performing these techniques and exactly how to overcome difficult spectators, hecklers, and less-suitable locations.

For beginners, you can graduate to this in time. It'll be right there for you when you need it.

For pros, this is where you'll gain the most value if you already do some of this stuff because you're watching two experts in their field, build upon the techniques you thought you knew well. Adding extra nuances & powerful subtleties along the way.

You don't have to be the best - you just have to learn from the best

When looking for a teacher, we set out to get the very best.

World-renowned mind-reader & mentalist Peter Turner will guide you through each effect in considerable detail.

Peter Turner is known in these circles as "The best mentalist in the world". He's consistently flown all over the globe to consult for the top performers of the biggest TV & stage shows ever created.

His expertise is called upon on everything... From boutique TV shows in France, to America's Got Talent. Known to all of us as 'the world's biggest stage'.

In fact, if you've watched mentalism on TV, chances are you've seen Peter's handiwork already.

So even if you're completely new to mind-control you will feel safe performing these miracles for anyone, at any time, anywhere - because you're learning from the very best.

Perform responsibly:

Everything you see here is a potent mixture of mentalism, psychology, illusions & pseudo-hypnotic suggestion.

All in the name of fun.

There are no after-effects and your participants are able to quit a demonstration whenever they please.

With that said... Please perform responsibly.

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In this kit, everything that isn’t stooging doesn’t work. Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 26th, 2023
Many of the effects in this kit that claim to be dual reality are just stooging. I was disappointed to learn that some of the effect that I had purchased the kit for were just odd ways of justifying why the spectator should play along. Everything else is extremely unreliable.
1 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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How To control Minds over delivers! Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 13th, 2021
I picked this up on Kickstarter. It's classic Peter Turner. It's the "real stuff" that used to be kept underground. All you have to do is follow the supplied scripting and you'll own the room. In 100 years, they'll be talking about Annemann and Turner!
3 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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What an extremely beautiful demonstration of.influence/hypnosis Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 27th, 2024
There's so much I can say about this kit but I can sum it up in one Short line this kit allows you to give the appearance of true and genuine hypnotic influence and mind control. Some of the reviews saying it doesn't work or the whole idea of asking them to play along and justifying really doesn't do it justice. It's a combination of many different subtleties skills tips and techniques. What makes them believable is putting the amount of effort and practice that it takes yes in theory some of these things you could technically go out and do but as Peter says if you put in the practice then it makes these seem as real real can get. To those who complain about some of the techniques or feel like it's just stooging for one it's not all students and two if you practice and have the patience and follow a Peter does then the stuff works. I remember performing and the group of people later on said hey this is the guy that can control minds. I suggest anyone to buy this kit because it really does give you wonderful techniques tips and subtleties but also it shows you that when you put in the practice not only do you get better but it raises the art form this is a wonderful product five stars all the way for Peter Turner.
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How To Control Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 17th, 2023
Let me start by saying I like Peter Turner. This is not a magic set or a box of tricks. Mentalism is a big topic and many people have different and sometimes strong opinions about what it is or should be. What your expectations are might be influenced by the title "How To Control Minds". Does he teach you Hypnosis or NLP? Well, not really. What he does teach is how he controls the perception of his audience and the volunteers using mostly pre-show, instant stooge, and dual reality. Of course it helps if you are a fan of PT as he talks for hours not just about mentalism, but about his life, books he enjoys, and a few tangents. His accent and one shot camera angles makes this all a bit hard to take in at one time. I am sure PT may not have had complete control over all of this, but the production seems a bit less than what you might expect. YES he has great tips and insight on many routines and you certainly get a lot of info. I just think the context and presentation could have been a bit more streamlined.
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I cant access the content that is in the key Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 11th, 2022
can someone help to get trough the content on the key it doesn't let me access it
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One of My best purchase Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 25th, 2022
Nothing to say, just good, in the kit it does not have much things,but the teaching inside is so good! I love the teaching and everything in the usb key(yeah ritually a key) and I want to shout out to penguin magic support(Greg Kiser), he is so polite and always helpful and trying to help me.Love the kit and love the Penguin teams!
0 of 1 magicians found this helpful.
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