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Knight's Tour Excalibur trick - Devin Knight

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Now you can do the famed Knight's Tour without any memory work! Do the same effect plus more, as featured by Peter Reveen and Ricky Jay.

Not only that, you can make it entertaining and blow away audiences. Devin Knight has done it again with his new approach to Knight's Tour. You get a whole kit of different versions and methods so you can pick and choose. The best news is that you can master this in 15 minutes after receiving it. Even if you know nothing about chess!

You receive the huge 36" x 36" chess board that can be seen on the largest stages. This is mounted to an upright stand that is included in the price. The chess board has 64 number cards in special pockets that allows for the audience to visibly see and understand what you are doing.

In case you don't know, the object of the Knight's Tour is to move the Knight chess piece so that it goes to each square only once without ever landing on the same square twice. It must be done in 64 moves exactly. A very difficult feat that normally takes months of practice and learning complex formulas.


You explain the Knight's Tour and move quickly to the audience. You then tell them you will do the Knight's Tour and go to every square on the board without landing on the same square twice. HOWEVER, YOU WILL DO IT IN LESS THAN 3 MINUTES OR FORFEIT YOUR ENTIRE SHOW FEE! Now the audience will be interested. Will you lose your show fee or triumph?

Not only that, you tell them you will memorize an entire deck of cards prior to doing the tour and call them out while doing the tour at the same time! You allow the audience to choose the starting square and place a large cut-out Knight piece at the starting position. You pick up the deck of cards, give them a quick shuffle and apparently memorize them. They are handed to anyone to check as you call them out. The stopwatch is started. Starting from the chosen square you quickly move the Knight to the next square removing the number card and inserting the Knight.

By doing this the audience can see the board being cleared. YOU DO THIS AT LIGHTNING SPEED -- EVEN FASTER THAN A REAL EXPERT! In the meantime you are calling off the memorized deck perfectly! In less than 3 minutes you complete the tour and your paycheck is safe!

Important Points:

  • There is no memory work to clearing the chessboard. You do not have to refer to a hidden cue list. You can clear the board as fast as you move the Knight to the next square.
  • Start at any square they select. Since you are not referring to a secret cue list you don't have to worry about losing your place.
  • It is impossible to mess up thanks to Devin's diabolical method, the Knight's Tour becomes self-working. Believe it or not.
  • The above is just one version you receive! You also get versions using different methods. If you want to do the version where someone from the audience comes up and makes the moves themselves, you can. In fact you can do it with your back turned to the board. This is a slower version than the Excalibur but allows you to do it in the original format.
  • Devin includes two more routines. He gives you a small version that can be done in restaurants or strolling situations. You hand a small card with the numbers on them to a person along with a pencil. With your back turned, you allow the person to choose the starting square and mark it off until you complete the tour. You can even predict the ending square for a climax. You can do this anywhere with no memory work and with your back turned.
  • Audience Knight Bingo - In this version you perform it just like Bingo and give the audience small cards with the numbers and pencils. After a starting square is freely selected, you proceed to stare at a small chessboard and quickly start calling off the numbers for the audience to mark off. Just like Bingo, this keeps their attention and allows each person to know you are doing this amazing feat. They see it in their own hands. You can have your name imprinted on the cards and the audience goes home with your advertising piece.
  • You Choose the Tour Effect: Magician explains that chess players and math experts have devised all kinds of chess tours. These include Rook's Tour, Knight's Tour, King's Tour, and the Queen's Tour. Magician shows a small bag full of chess symbols and says he will do a chess tour with the chosen piece. Someone from the audience chooses one of the pieces, and you immediately explain the rules of that chess tour and proceed to do it at lightning speed.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are one of those performers who has memorized all the charts and patterns you will love this outfit. You can use it for the most visual way possible of doing the effect for real without any trickery. This design makes it easier for the audience to follow the movement of the Knight. No more confusing lines being drawn all over a numbered board with an erasable marker. This is the modern way to showcase your real skills. If you don't have the real skills then this outfit gives you the perfect way to cheat!
You receive a 36" x 36" folding chessboard, a 6 foot folding stand to display large chessboard, a 20" x 20" chessboard for use in other variations, templates for the close-up and audience Bingo versions, 36 special chess symbols to use in the free choice effect, 2 sets of 64 number cards for the large stage versions. You also receive a large flat Knight chess symbol that moves along the large board, plus some special star cards to mark the starting point. Special carrying case to hold all of the above is also included. You get Devin Knight's full routines, methods, and secret gimmicks. You will be able to do this trick within 15 minutes after you receive it.

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