Incredibly easy effect to perform
Gaffs do all the work for you
(20+ performances if you choose to hand out the cards)
Magic happens IN THEIR HANDS
are well made and on Mandarin Back Stock
POWERFUL Effect for your spectator
there are no cons to this effect. This effect is simple and to the point. Spectators love this
effect and it leaves them with an impossible souvenir. Pure magic. Special way for them to remember
you and relive that magic moment. Do not let the simplicity of the effect deter you. This effect
will not fool magicians, but why does that matter? We do magic for spectators NOT magicians. And
guess what? Spectators LOVE THIS! Worth the money if you like what you see, you will not be
disappointed! Well done Ricky!
I heard there was a switch involved, if that’s the case the add is misleading.
It doesn't appear to be any switch at all, just a nice choreography in handling/displaying the cards. You can obviously leave them with the 2 impossibly altered cards. IMO, if your going to do this as a special thing for a special 2 people, their signatures make it more impossible.
The one misleading bit in the video is where the performer says that you show “both backs”. The video only has him show one back.
The one misleading bit in the video that I noticed is where the performer says that you show “both backs”. The video only has him show one back.
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