> Build Your Own Card Fountain For Under $20 by David Allen and Scott Francis - DVD

So detailed that a kid can build it Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 22nd, 2018
This was funny and detailed buiding instruction video. I am very experienced mechanic and have all the needed at my shop, so I can't tell how accurate that $20 is and perhaps much more here in Europe, but one is sure, this was so detailed that everybody can build this. As I told, I'm very expereinced but still could find a new way to build the wheel. That was one of the best advices in this video. So, why only 4 stars? That's because I believe that the cost of the materials is much more that twenty bucks. Anyway, the structure is good and I believe that this can last longer than cheap factory produsct. One add to the instructions: You should secure the nuts using spring washer, locking compound like nail polish or what better, locknuts (Nyloc).

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