The velcro spots don't hold very well at all.The velcro adhesive does not hold.
I had to replace
I can do maybe 2 different things with it. My imagination isn't to sharp to come up eith
various routines. So to me, amazebox Kraft is an over priced glorified switch box. Sorry guys, just
keeping it real.
My advice is to become a better performer watch the magicians in your area and I know a lot of the and they are very good I have preformed with them.
"Overpriced Switching Device"?
Sonny, you haven't even seen "expensive". . . some switching devices cost THOUSANDS and are highly guarded with an exclusive few, privy to their use.
I just ordered this thing with high hopes, it's perfect for the sidewalk venues I tend to work. With a clean "innocent" switching device you can start a religion... many have.
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