I love the title of this project because is very close to me as the most famous Sibyl among Romans
in the old times was in Cuma near my home city Naples, Italy.
Of course, I don't only love
the title but also the treasure of important knowledge you will find in this DVD.
This work as a
great value either if you do readings or if you don't. It can be utilized as a whole system or you
can extract pieces from it to create single bits of performances.
If you love readings you are
in for a treat and if you don't care much for reading you can use Sibyl as a tool and present it as
a way to get to know your participants so that you can create the right connection and emotional
atmosphere to proceed with mentalism and hypnosis for example. In all the cases this work is meant
to accompany you for years of studying and perfecting the art of creating empathy and an emotional
ground on which to stand as a mystery performer.
I am loving your work Phedon and I highly
recommend this project!
From Wikipedia:
The Cumaean Sibyl was the priestess presiding
over the Apollonian oracle at Cumae, a Greek colony located near Naples, Italy. The word sibyl comes
(via Latin) from the ancient Greek word Sibylla, meaning prophetess. There were many Sibyls in
different locations throughout the ancient world. Because of the importance of the Cumaean Sibyl in
the legends of early Rome as codified in Virgil's Aeneid VI, and because of her proximity to Rome,
the Cumaean Sibyl became the most famous among the Romans.