The effect is cool, and I like the versatility of it. No sleight of hand required, no gimmicks
necessary, just some polished showmanship to pull this off. I haven't performed it a bunch yet, but
have received some good reactions. My biggest gripe agrees with another review about the poor choice
to teach the effect using black envelopes on a black table in a black bar booth. This made it
difficult to see what was going on. Fortunately, the handling is straight forward enough to follow
along, and John does a pretty good job going through the effect, but it thing for the purposes of
teaching an effect it would be have been more effective to use contrasting colored envelopes and
shot from the performer's point of view. Even better, it would also be easier to follow along if the
empty envelopes were a different color than the envelopes with the money in it to get a clear idea
of the handling.