Let's get the negative (or least positive) points out of the way: I didn't love the act, the pacing,
the persona or the methods. :-)
But that is a personal opinion! I know many people will like
this, and be able to use this.
Now for the positive: although I haven't watched the over 4 hour
long video I already got a lot of value from the first 30 minutes of the explanations. Drew talks
about A LOT of practical stuff that is useful for any performer. He doesn't leave any detail out. If
you're a mentalist of a magician, you will get something out of this that you WILL use.
It's the
small things that are important in this lecture. It's not the tricks, the methods or the act. Is
about how you structure your own act, how you pack, how to set up your stage, what to put in your
case and how to be prepared. I like the ideas presented here, but I wouldn't perform them in the
same way or with the same methods. But I know I will use some of the ideas in some shape or form.
So as the title says: Great Value!