...to give the necessary size of balloon, or you end up ripping it for sURE. Complete frustration.
The balloons repeatedly tear during preparation of effect.
I'm assuming I need larger
balloons, which the gentleman on download didn't address. BTW, His English was awful -- he said
"didn't," when he met "did."
I am not a nativist -- just want good product.
A CREDIT, and will never again purchase foreign-made downloads unless I can understand their basic
Penguin staff has no excuse. I even asked the "Ask a Magician" chat-text guy: he
DID NOT KNOW what size balloon was needed.
DOWNLOADS T E S T E D ? by Penguin staff before videos are up on site?
As LOYAL, LONGTIME CUSTOMER, I see Penguin slipping a lot by putting up amateurish
downloads -- and think they need to have an office meeting on quality issues.
Respectfully, always been a fan. Now, very wary.
I paid $10 for download, and $20 for
Amazon balloons.
For the good balloon, you can use the clear 12inch latex.
Btw, like i said in the video tutorial, you have to do research, and sometimes you will make 1 or 2 mistakes until you find the right balloon.
But remember, i never suggested buying expensive balloons.
Many gift shops sells balloon at cheap price.
In my place, balloon prices are less than $2, and i can easily find it at local stores.
Hope this helps you, and sorry for my bad english.
Thank you.
I would suggest you go for a run, climb a hill or find a companion, because you have a lot of anger and hostility built up. Life is far too short to get that upset over a $10 trick. Unfortunately, for many, they do not realize this until they or a loved one are about out of time.
GFactor that comment was so left field and had NOTHING to do with a review but instead your feeling to NEED to be heard. I guess some people need to take their own advice ("suggest you go for a run, climb a hill or find a companion...") Andrew was stating his own review but you felt the need to try and sound professional but instead be a hypocrite and jump on his review and bash...smh... I appreciate the honest review Andrew and do understand the frustration because its not a factor of just $10 its consistent $10 here or more for some not well produced or thought out productions of products lately and if foreign then should have subtitles or voice over for those English speaking buyers and vice versa for other languages. I have spent hundreds of dollars through several sites in the last month with questionable products and thousands over the years that I'll never get back on products misleading etc I'll never use so I personally know the frusteration! For the most part I can say penguin has done a great job in handling most of those issues but personal opinion is some of these DL are just added for content not quality which is why my expectations on DL is low. Sometimes you find gold though... but even though it may not be the best sometimes it does spark the imagination for something else so it is what it is I guess...and why I search for honest full reviews on products nowadays so I appreciate the review Andrew.
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