These cards are exactly what you need for this effect, and to do multiple color changes. Cards
reverse one at a time
.. then then change to different cards..then the backs even change to
surprising colors..
I do use the same move in many other tricks now. After three or four
days of practice I think I am better than any videos on YouTube. They just don't do it any
It also might be a little overpriced I got it on open box so for that it is well
worth it for the method. These were made to look like bicycle cards on the back without infringing
and they do look pretty cheesy to anyone who knows cards
This trick deserves 5 stars, no 3. It,s brilliant. It,s a shame there is no trailer. Otherwise will be a best seller.
I'm sort of curious as to why you commented on one person's review and didn't add your own review (unless it's pending). I have no idea whether or not this trick is good or great (though I am curious) but more detailed reviews usually help me decide.
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