If you are into cards and you want some excellent routines for your repitoire then you need to buy
this DVD and Simon's other DVD (Madness behind the methods:
I cannot recommend more highly the
content of these two DVD sets in terms of the value for money in terms of the quality of the effects
and the amount of material you get.
Simon does an excellent job passing on the working for
the routines and tips and handling. His material is good worker stuff with very little fluff it
allows great scope to add your own flair if you so desire but it is all very accessible from the get
go for a competent card worker.
For the beginner who wants to get right into this stuff I
would also recommend getting Oz Pealmans "Born to Perform Card Magic"
(http://www.penguinmagic.com/europe/product.php?ID=618) which is has some fantastic tutorials for
learning some of the rudiments of card magic. With these three DVD's and a few of the classic card
books you will be able to put together some great card magic routines! Go Penguin! and Go Simon