I think the smoke watch pro is great, you get to set delay of time before the smoke starts and have
the smoke go for 3 or 5 seconds, your choice (I prefer the 5 secs) but what I find is a negative is
the noise, I mean their has to be some nosie in the background not very loud but there is a limit of
sound for it to be 'silent' I know not every gimmick is perfect but there has to be more noise then
one person talking, but this is great for parties and stage. Some other things I found was a
negitive is the shape of where the smoke comes out, it's cylinder shaped and I was kinda hoping it
was more rectangular shaped so is less notice able, but no one is really gonna check out your
wrists, (unless they got a thing for that) just an idea, and another thing is the watch maybe too
small for some people it barely fits me. Lastly their is a adapter that connects to the smoke
machine and to the watch and it just might pop of now and again, it's not bad just a bit annoying
because then I have to take it off and connect it back but other then those things. Pretty cool