> Mavoch by Ori Ascher

Propless Toolbox Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on September 22nd, 2020
This book is incredible. In it, you will learn a ton of different approaches to the pin divination.

Ori starts out by teaching you 8 different propless principles that can be used in a pin divination. These techniques and outs are very good and they can be applied to other things if you don't like pin divinations. My favorite part of this chapter was the Single Digit Anagram which is a way to divine and 2 digit number.

In the next section, you will learn a 2 digit number divination which is very simple and straightforward, but it gets great reactions. You will also learn 2 different reverse pin divinations. These are very similar to each other, but it's important to learn them because they lay the basics of the system. Also, sometimes you'll perform the first version and then if someone wants you to repeat it, you can perform the 2nd one.

Next, there are a series of essays about propless mentalism, and other topics related to pin divinations. these are very useful and interesting reads.

After that, we get into the main part of the book where Ori teaches you Mavoch. There are 3 different variations, including the "easy" (I say "easy", but all of these will take some time to get down) take, the medium take, and the hard take. My favorite of these was the hard take (Mavoch 3.0) because it is right up my alley and seems so fair and clean. You will also learn a stage variation which is pretty good.

Lastly, there is a Bonus Section. I won't go over what is included in this chapter, but I will tell you that there are some awesome ideas in here that I really love and will be using. Some of these are from Ori and others are from other performers.

As you can see, this book has a lot of great stuff in it. It's a 130-140 page book packed full of versatile mentalism techniques. This reminded me of Michael Murray's Isolation. Similar to Isolation, this book is geared towards pin divinations, but you can take these techniques and apply them to anything.

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