I got this over another similar stab trick just released but am not to happy with it. It isn't the
props but the instructional video. There are couple things that are very germane to the working of
the effect which Chad hardly addresses at all, if at all. These involve prep and performance of the
effect. I can't say much more but have addressed it to Penguin in hopes of a response and solution.
Having been with them since early 2002, even moderating the forums this is one effect I would wait
and see if there are some additions to the instructional video. Others have said they think it is
great but how many have actually gone out and performed in the real world with it??
Hi Patrick,
Chad Long here and I just saw your comments. I'm sorry about the issues you're having and I'd like to address them. Please message me on FB or go to chadlong.com and contact me from there. Just click on "More" and then "Contact". I may even upload a short video or PDF to Penguin that addresses your questions, along with any other things I may have overlooked in my original instructions. Sorry again, and take care.
You're a class act Chad Long....and a helluva performer and creator!!!!!
Chad long is so amazing !
A definite Favortite
Chad Long is definitely a true Chad! (P.S that’s a good thing!)
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