For starters, I would classify myself as an early intermediate level magician, focusing mainly on
card magic. I only had one coin trick in my repertoire that I was fully confident in until I bought
Split Focus.
The gimmick:
The included gimmicks are remarkably well crafted with one
very minor exception. There is one ungimmicked item included (a tiny coin purse) that felt a little
bit cheap to me. It’s a minor issue, considering that the item would be very easy to replace with
any other coin purse; the purse is also only used in a couple of the effects taught in Greg’s
videos. It is obvious that great care has been taken in the design and construction of the remainder
of the very important props included in the box. Even the “retrieval device” is attractive and built
well enough that it has replaced the one I normally carried. It all feels like it should last
The effects:
Greg is an amusing and engaging teacher. I had no difficulty with
any of the explanations of the gimmick or the sleights he describes. I personally feel that not all
of the effects presented are equally strong, but considering the brilliance of most of them I’m not
bothered by this at all. To perform the strongest (again, in my opinion) tricks taught you will only
need to be able to do a clean false transfer; his method for retrieving and ditching the gimmick is
simple enough that I was able to do it convincingly within an hour or so of practice.
effects included range from very short with huge punch to a longer series of tricks that would be
suitable as an anchor piece for an entire routine. I would say that if you already can perform a
convincing false transfer that you could be confidently performing many of these within hours of
My experience:
I have not had an opportunity to perform any of these in
public yet due to Covid restrictions, but I have performed several of them for my family (my
harshest critics!) They have been blown away. The very first time I did the two coin production and
vanish sequence for my wife she was stunned speechless.
It’s difficult for
me to see how I could be more happy with this purchase. I’ve gone from having a single coin trick
I’m confident in to seven or eight that are not just good, they’re spectacular.