I bought the JJ notebook about a month ago after watching Nique Tan’s review and consider it to be a
good purchase. I have the Super Mento Pad, too, which is a great product but the JJ has beneficial
features that make it good for carry-around. It is very thin and the use of the PostIt pad makes it
look unassuming and unsuspicious. The locked/unlocked dual system does indeed make it possible for
the critical actions to take place in the hands of the participant(s). A couple things for folks to
note. First, this is more than an Add-A-Number pad. That is its primary purpose but it also
functions as a clever switching mechanism for currency or billets. Second, all of the routines
detailed on the supporting video are good and worth learning. If you are unfamiliar with the
Add-A-Number process, though, it traditionally requires four participants. I say this not because it
is a negative for the notebook, just that it is a reality of presentation. I’ve been trying to think
of ways to use the JJ in presentation to just one person (again, because the thin pad lends itself
so well to easy carrying in walk-around environments). To reiterate: I am pleased with the JJ
notebook – it is a simple-to-use but clever device.