I am, only now trying to handle the wrangler deck as I’m being hired as a western Magic/ Gambler for
a high end Hotel and wanted to use a western themed deck. My purpose was not necessarily for the
marks, but it is certainly an advantage to have the capability to “read” the cards during any given
effect. However my eyes aren’t what they used to be and (even with glasses) I find it a bit
difficult to discern some of the cards. I’m sure it (like anything else) would simply take using
the marks a lot to quickly make that card discernment. I’m also presently professionally performing
at a venue that has rather low lighting and that, as well doesn’t lend to proper perception of the
marks. Don’t get me wrong… I really like the cards… Their quality and handling are equal to bicycle
playing cards… I do a lot of Farrow shuffles And they do lack a bit in that arena but I still rate
these cards pretty high.
This deck faro shuffles great! Because it is traditionally cut, it may not match all faro techniques.
As taught in Card College, many people do the faro shuffle from the "top-down" aka from Backs to Faces.
A traditionally cut deck prefers to faro the other way, from the "bottom-up" aka from the Faces to the Backs.
With a little break-in, these decks will faro in either direction, but out of the box they definitely are easier one way than the other. Just try flipping the deck face up and face down and doing your shuffle both ways. You'll notice that one way is easier than the other.
This is a factor in most decks. Sounds like a Modern Cut deck would suit your faro technique a little better.