As soon as I received it I was immediately impressed. The box comes fully assembled inside a very
sturdy package, so even if it has a rough time in shipping the gimmick should be safe and ready to
go immediately. It is made of cardboard (not plastic or something) so it will become worn
eventually, but I think you could repair it or make your own pretty easily once you see how it's
You put cards in, do "the move", and then different cards come out. Playing cards,
business cards, bills, anything flat will work. You can indeed keep your regular deck of cards
inside the box, and you can keep some extra cards set ready to switch at the same time. "The move"
happens basically silently, and you can handle the box quite freely without anything slipping out
The instructional video from Craig Petty is impressively long (over 1.5
hours!), but there's no chapter navigation so it's hard to find where one routine ends and the next
one begins. And I wasn't that excited about most of the included routines honestly. The first one is
an ACAAN that, in addition to the Boom Box, requires you to carry two specially prepared decks of
cards that you can't use for anything else (at least, without doing a long reset). There are some
less elaborate routines later in the video, but most of them don't have any performance footage (not
even for someone else in the studio), so they feel more like theoretical suggestions than
battle-tested performance pieces.
Ultimately though, I think this is the kind of prop where
you don't need a detailed tutorial. Any trick where you want to switch out one or more cards is a
perfect candidate for this. You'll be coming up with ways to use it the moment you get it in your