First, as to this particular effect, it is a really neat idea that can use a borrowed shuffled deck
that the spectator can handle for the most part. It is in the genre of a coincidence effect. Using
one deck, cut roughly in half by a spectator, a card selected by the spectator at the number they
think of matches the location of a card selected by another spectator using the other half.
Like most of Dani's effects, he has at least one theory to teach and provides examples of that
in action...Yes, his use of english may be a slight issue...But, I have found that the more you
watch him, the more you know what he is talking about even if his english is not perfect.
I also think that some of his effects and theories assume you have been doing card effects for a
while and that you are comfortable with some basic techniques and interacting with an audience.
In part, I posted this because of the low star rating by another customer.