It's not rocket science, it's magic. It's simple, but it's fresh (aside from the cookies themselves,
thanks for the warning, Dan). Easy, impactful and different.
That's about it. Highest
recommendation if you like what you see.
Why is everyone so vague about what you actually get for your $20.
Should be an easy answer: Do we get the actually cookies or just 5 cents of scrapes of paper where we have very carefully open a bagged Fortune cookie take the existing fortune out and then using tweezers like playing a game of operation, squeeze the magic fortune in the cookie without breaking it and then glue the bag opening back so it looks like new.
See is that so hard to be specific. Asking for a friend.
In response to sheredintuition, you'll be pleased to know thet none of the process you describe is necessary in order to perform Cryptic Cookie. You can do this anytime, anywhere fortune cookies are available without ever preparing any of them in advance. No tweezers or glue required!
Dan, is there any value added if you already own Harlan Premium Blend #1? scheredintuitionJul hit the nail on the head since that is one of two techniques you mentioned in the dvd.
The added value is that you get the fortunes ready-made for you, so you don't have to go through the process of properly arranging, sizing, registering, and printing. Plus, my handling here eliminates the need for the laborious preparation of any cookie, and it's subtle enough to fly by even the smartest people (judging from sheredintuition's question). Depending on how much you value your labor, this trick is well worth more than the meager asking price. I've booked many shows and consulting gigs using exactly this. Plus, it also goes over well with friends and (if you don't mind me saying) potential romantic interests. In short, it's an exceptionally charming way to make your magic transcend its limitations and bleed seamlessly into the real world.
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