“Whatever your situation is, I hope you get out, I hope you perform, and I hope that when you see a
mic open that, you get up to it and start singing your song”.
The above ending statement
by Carl Irwin pretty much sums up this project. This routine is not filled with earth-shattering
ideas, but rather has simple -and hence, very good – tricks, added up to a routine for you to
perform ready “out of the box”.
The selling points of the routine, to my mind:
- All
the tricks -and indeed, whole routine- can be done a shuffled deck in use, of any condition.
- Selections are made in non-classical ways (naming a card openly or thinking of one).
- No overt sleights beyond basic false shuffles. In other words, the routine will work with a
deck of any condition, even if not full.
- Its quite modular. No matter where you finish,
you will finish strong and better than where you left off.
- You can change into sleights that
you’re comfortable with, deck allowing.
Things to note:
- To perform as explained, you
will need a surface of some kind (no close-up pad needed). Except for the closer “Hay Stack”, all
the routines can be adopted in some fashion to be in the hands or just a very small surface. You can
adopt all of them, depending on how much card magic you have experience with.
- As you can
tell from the ad copy, the tricks and routine is based on impossible coincidences, It feels more
cerebral magic rather than visual. Not that is a good thing or a bad thing, just something I’m
noting for you.
- The ACAAN’s here follow what Carl names as an ACAAN. In other words,
these are not “named then dealt to” per-say but are Carl believes they effectively (and I agree)
perceived as any card that could be anywhere in the deck. Deja-Vu may fool magicians.
Finally, I believe I need to emphasize this: This is a routine that is cerebral in nature where
the entertainment value really comes from live spectators do all sort of impossible coincidences
themselves without an overt influence from the performer. No matter how much the performer tries
-Carl Irwin in this case-, routines like this simply don’t translate well to the screen. Performing
magicians know this, however, the demographic the project aims to help motivate to perform may not.
I worry they may discard the routine quickly upon viewing it, particularly since the performance
section is done without spectators or magic-trailer-like explosions. I highly suggest trying it at
least a couple of times before you do, even if to yourself.
Effect: A routine of coincidences that progresses from a single simple chosen card, to
multiple, then named ones, then finally to a thought of card.
Method: Solid simple methods
that are time-tested and process-free, with some added twists that you may already be familiar
with, depending on your knowledge of card magic.
Ad copy integrity: 100% true, though keep
the ACAAN description in mind as above.
Product quality: Well-shot video by Carl Irwin,
with time-stamps (THANK YOU).
Final thoughts:
- If you are a performer: this a
real-world routine with non-classic material (i.e. ACR or “pick a card”), feels hands-off (though
isn’t, in a good way), done under any condition, plays well to enough people that can view cards. In
other words, this is a card “a Guerrilla-act” -to use a Jeff Mcbride term- as long as you have a
deck of cards & a small surface. And it's for 10$. Honestly, a no-brainer.
- If you are
someone who wants to perform, I very highly recommend this. This is a safe & atypical routine that
gets your feet wet into performing to people.
- If you are someone who’s interested in
ideas and quirky twists more so than straightforward forward performable material, then I won’t
recommend this.
5 stars.