I own many sets of marked ESP decks and at this point all the rest just sit in my drawer.
really love these cards. The marking is so clean and impossible to notice.
I also like
the fact that backs are not artistic. When I am doing an ESP match I like to talk about the early
studies and Duke University and had always found it a little incongruent to be talking about
university studies and have art-y cards. The solid color back is easy to justify "There is a large
block of print on the back there is no way you could see through the card" and look more
Not is not a criticism of other card designs, but these work much better for
my stage character.
I also love the fact you get 5 sets in each color back. Create so many
more possibilities for tricks. I am really big fan of the fact that in doing a 5 card ESP match they
could end up with 2 starts and 2 circles along with the plus. When you are using only one of each
card, the last revile loses it punch because we all know what it is. By having multiple of each
card there can still be drama.
(Another Penguin plug: I love Spidies handling of the ESP
match, which you can see in his Penguin lecture AND he uses this deck in the demo)