I have always loved the entertainment value of the Archer and Osterlind bank night effects, and the
way that the audience interaction creates a connection with your audience.
In this version, I
really like the way Craig has taken something in common use/easily identifiable by nearly everyone
(PLEASE don’t make me use the word organic-ugh!) to accomplish the effect with something simple to
carry, minimal preparation, and minimal choreography.
This one has a little less of the “
I’ve put these things together with common items we have laying around to give us all a free and
equal chance” type of feel to it. It comes across as more of a “ these are premade items that I
can’t alter, so all I can do is try to influence you to NOT win” feel. You still have audience
interaction but overall more brevity to the procedure.
So, overall
WOW! factor- 4(like
other bank nights, it is great but people are somewhat expecting it)
Entertainment value-
“5-“ compared with Archer or Osterlind (due to less play and discourse opportunities with the
Convenience/simplicity- 5 (I would have to say slightly better than the others in
this category)