> Air Dice created by Gonçalo Gil and Gee Magic

Very Poor Quality for price Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 20th, 2023
Great idea, VERY, VERY poor materials, as I feared. At $80 it may be the biggest rip-off in magic. I knew it was way overpriced, but because of that, I expected top quality. Boy was I wrong.

I was hoping it was a heavier material. It is not. It is made of the same material and quality as a $3 beach ball. This will last as long as a beach ball would.

On top of this, he recommends you keep it inflated for a couple of days to stretch out the wrinkles. This means it takes up a lot of space since having it deflated will cause wrinkles.

It is also not the traditional forcing dice pattern. He uses a different pattern, and I am not sure why. This makes it easier to spot because the "normal" opposite sides on it do not add up to 7. (i.e. 1/5, 6/4).

I was excited about this and Next-day FedExed it to me for a large gig. Big disappointment.

Don't waste your money. If this was $30 for two, it would be a barely acceptable price for the quality (considering magic prices and that it is not a "new" idea. If it lasts a month without a leak, I will be surprised.

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