Man I really wish I could give this a product 5 stars! I did love the concept and how everything
works but my battery was faulty after 2 weeks of having it in my hands! Knowing how this watch works
they could have made the straps for the watch extra bigger. They should advise people that this
watch would fit best and this specific size. It didn’t produce as much smoke as what I saw on the
advert too. I tried putting less liquid in and abit more to test what is best. There is abit of
sound when the smoke is produced, it’s probably best to use this is a loud environment. Anyways. I
did love the product and idea but for the price I paid for it I needed my refund back. The creators
offered me a new battery but I didn’t accept it, if it broke within the first 2 weeks of having it
what’s going to happen later down the track!?