I bought this at Magic Live, and it’s fine. Theres not a whole lot to say about it. It’s a remote
controlled sharpie. But, it doesn’t roll smoothly, it kind of jerks along, rocking back and forth as
it moves across the surface.
I think, though, the main reason it’s just fine and not
amazing, is the remote. It’s quite big (though you CAN palm it). It does have two buttons: forward
and backward.
But for $299, I would have really hoped for a hands free type remote.
Something similar to what Cigma uses for their smoke devices. I love those direction remotes. Hide
them in your sock, raise your heel slightly and boom — you got smoke.
Honestly, making a
pen move, the first thing I’d think is remote, and because you can’t show your hands empty, I feel a
lot of specs would think the same thing.
So… it’s fine.