In the realm of magical wonders, "Babu" by Grum emerges as a spellbinding creation, showcasing a
clever vanish of rings and small objects that feels almost otherworldly. The sleight of hand here is
as mesmerizing as the finest sorcery, turning simple items into whispers of absence with an elegance
that captivates the senses.
The craftsmanship is nothing short of enchanting. The leather
work is supreme, a tactile delight that speaks to the highest quality. Each piece feels like it
carries a bit of magic within, perfectly tailored for the performer who values both aesthetics and
However, while the trick itself is a marvel, the tutorial could have soared to
greater heights with a longer format. Insights on maintaining the leather, audience management
techniques, and guidance on sourcing the elusive self-seal envelope would transform the experience
from good to extraordinary. At a price point of $100, these inclusions seem not just helpful but
Though you may not want your spectators to scrutinize the method too closely,
"Babu" presents a more clever approach to vanishing and loading than the infamous Einhorn’s Nest of
Wallets. It weaves a narrative of sophistication that allows the magician to shine without
overshadowing the magic itself. In the end, "Babu" is a spell worth casting, with just a sprinkle of
extra guidance needed to truly make it shine.
Hello, I'm not a pro magician, but I do have a magic drawer filled to the top out of sheer curiousity. I have Henry Harrius' Cube in a Bottle, Haunted Box by Joau Miranda, have spent quite a bit. Recently bought Planetarium and love that how simple it is and to reveal the card in the stars... very nice.
How much sleight of hand on a scale of 1 to 10 would this involved. Because sometimes I get something and it just sits there because I just move fast enough or don't have the time to practice enough to get it where I want it to be.
Thank you!!
I would argue, depending on your opinion of sleight of hand but I'd say this pretty much has no sleight of hand. I'll try and explain and I don't think I'm giving anything away but obviously you need to get the ring or small object into the pouches. The "vanish" of a ring is easy because they feel like they are holding onto it so there is no heat on you at all. On a scale? I'd say a 5 year old could do this to a point, obviously performance etc is not for a 5yo but the sleight of hand would be a 1 or 2 maybe...not much and not hard and I'm not pro.