The eagerly anticipated Babu by Ari Phillips of Grum Leather Craft just arrived in today’s post. I
am very impressed by the packaging and high-quality props alone. The ring vanishing hank has been
redesigned and is something I have not seen before. It actually took me a minute to figure it out.
The wallets are extremely well made of the finest leather and the craftsmanship second to none. The
unique design is a quantum leap over every other set that I've ever worked with. I'm going to pick
up a few sets because I know this is something I will always use. I couldn't possibly be more
pleased. Comes very highly recommended. We had the pleasure of meeting Ari Phillips and the lovely
Mona Kowalczyk here in the Alamo city while they were on tour lecturing across the states. They are
two of the sweetest and life-loving people you ever could meet.