I purchased this elsewhere about a month or two ago and finally opened it. I used to play around
with symbol moves quite a bit and haven’t touched them for a while. I have to say on this that he
stumbled across something that borders on amazing, and accidentally brilliant, a little bit of
practice, and the visuals on this are amazing. You can apply them to so many different things That
you want to melt right in front of people’s eyes. As stated, the rings themselves are nothing fancy,
but you may opt to work this out borrowing a ring (silver or gold) or using something black plastic
(sharpie cap) or other things you may use/carry and the melt material is really the prize here. You
can use objects that are white, dark brown, caramel colored, black, silver, or gold. You can choose
anything you feel is easy to manipulate, not just rings. Yes the price point is somewhat high but if
you feel the effect is pretty amazing, that eases the financial hurt some. To address the previous
color complaint, yes, there is no red that matches ketchup, but no yellow for bananas, etc. you can
grab a piece of any crayon that matches and use that! Just seeing thick liquid where there was only
solid moments ago, and the a completely clean/dry hand again IS the amaze factor!
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